Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Chocolate Syrup and Electricity 8/18/2015

Good Morning,

The old cup is filled with Door County Cinnamon Sugar Biscotti Coffee and I look forward to a little Bible time before work while sipping some. I woke up extra early to get some quiet time in.

Not too long ago we had a little get together in our home and as part of the dinner we had an ice cream buffet with all kinds of toppings for dessert. Some how, some way, chocolate syrup was splashed on to an electrical outlet in the kitchen. Rene noticed the splash and later wiped off the exterior. What she did not see was that the chocolate syrup actually had invaded the interior of the outlet. Sunday I was needing to use the outlet to plug in a small appliance. When the male plug was inserted into the outlet I heard a sizzle, saw some chocolate smoke which smelled sweet, but still was smoky. The circuit breaker defaulted "shortly" .

Isaiah 5:20   
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Later that night I changed the outlet and saw that it actually had started to burn before the circuit breaker defaulted.

Some things should never mix. Chocolate syrup and electricity are two good examples. Two other things that should never mix are doing good, through sin. We need to be careful to rely on God, and do what we can without resorting to evil in order to try and accomplish good.
For example, there might be someone who needs money and you want to help. Should you go and steal money Robin Hood style to help them? No! Stealing is a sin. Friends we need to make sure that in no way do we ever try to accomplish anything for God, or the good of others by mixing in sin to do so. Our morals should not be compromised in order to advance God's work or in helping others which really is doing God's work.  This would be contrary to God's nature which is love, honesty and righteousness. This easily creeps in just like the syrup hid within the outlet. For instance your child's school needs pens and you provide 200 of them that were taken from work without permission. "Oh they have thousands of freebies, who will miss 200?"  It is still theft and violates God's commandment to not steal.

I could give hundreds of examples all in different situations. Christians and churches are not above the law and are especially bound by God's word to operate with integrity at all times if God is to bless their work.

A little food for thought??

Have a great day.


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