Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fish Fry and The Guys 8/25/2015

Good Morning,

I choose this day to be content. I believe that being content is a form of praise to the Lord. So this morning I am content and happy with my cup of Door County Cherry Crème Coffee. My smile comes from deep within my heart today.

Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.

Our nephew Nick called last night and thought that it might be a good idea to fry up all the fish he and his friends caught this summer as we say goodbye to his younger brother Matthew. The younger one is headed off to college and we won't see him as often.

I ran this by Rene, knowing that she was going to agree that we should host this little get together. But asking and talking about things has kept us married this long and I thought it would still be a good idea to see if we could manage to pull this off and also smell up the house with fried fish. Her thumb went up in approval in about 6 seconds.

Later I noticed that she seemed down and out. We had just returned from a funeral and I thought it might be that she was thinking about the funeral. So I asked her what had her down.

To my surprise she said it was the fish fry coming this Friday. I said to her that we could bow out of it if it was too much work. Rene replied "it isn't that at all. The family is changing again and I wonder what changes are next? The boys have grown up and have adult lives. We won't be going to football games or just having them pop in for some food. I don't like the changes."

Well there wasn't much I could say. Those two have provided more laughs and good times than we can count. It is great to see them grow up and turn out good. This just came on the heals of our grandson visiting and going home, and our daughter coming home for a long weekend and returning to Florida.

The world does not stand still for anyone and life moves on. But we need to always make the most of each encounter. I guess Rene has always done that. So it is understandable that she misses those fun times. She was always the last to bed and would stay up cleaning long after everyone went to sleep or to their homes. I guess that I did not know how she took the cleanup time to relive and laugh about our experiences of that particular night.

Be happy and give God thanks daily because He created you for a purpose. Laugh, have fun, smile, and remember to enjoy. Learn to cherish the small things. Count your blessings daily
Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were big things.

Looking forward to that fish fry and my wife's happy smile.

God bless,

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