Sunday, August 9, 2015

Alternative To Abortion 8/9/2015

Good Morning,

I pray that this finds all of you well and blessed from above with peace and joy to face today. I am still on the mission field and it is coming to an end. I selfishly prayed for a couple more days to come my way in order to stay in the "field" a little longer. My good friend Paul is brewing up some Door County Chocolate Melt Down Coffee for all of us this morning. I am going to miss his coffee deliveries!

Our mission trip had two parts to it. One leg of our journey was to perform some light construction work at a pregnancy center called Care Net. This little "under funded" second story, no elevator clinic is a bastion of help for women who find themselves pregnant and would be considering an abortion. The clinic assists with helping the women keep their baby, or by helping them with adopting out the baby to willing parents. Our church blessed  us with the baby clothes, diapers, and everything a baby could use. We were able to donate these items to Care Net. All the minor work went very well and the supplies were brought up the stairs, sorted and put away by the team. So you would call this a success. It definitely was.

The unfortunate thing is this. Not too far from this little fort of hope is the alternative to adoption or keeping a baby. The abortion clinic is located just a few blocks away. This site gives women another choice for their unborn child.  That choice is a abortion. Now it shouldn't be a surprise to any of you who read this to find that my unwavering stand is against all abortion.

During their work days our team located two people on the street below and their job was to greet people passing by with a hello and offer them a free bottle of cold water as a kind gesture. I asked them how that went and they replied that not too many people would take a free bottle of water. They also said that not very many people were friendly. This did not surprise me.

Not far away from there the second half of our team was working on their project site and just a block away was a memorial of balloons and flowers for a little girl who was murdered earlier in the week. Not a whole lot of smiles there either. Both sites had one thing in common. Murder was a neighbor of the residents.

Here is the point. Neither area was a happy place. Murder is just not a happy or joyful experience for anyone. The difference was this. One site called it murder, tried to heal with a memorial and hoped there wouldn't be anymore. The other site calls it health care and business. I did not see one memorial for those murdered on that street in the name of pro choice. I did not expect for our team to be warmly received too often outside of the pregnancy help clinic and I was right. It is located very close to the abortion clinic.  I don't see pictures of people laughing and filled with joy when they tour the former Nazi extermination camps of World War Two either. Joy won't be found on those streets until we pray, the law changes and the carnage stops.

The Bible says of our Creator,
In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being
Job 12:10
God, the giver of life, commands us not to take the life of an innocent person:
Do not shed innocent blood.
Jeremiah 7:6

Cursed is the man who accepts a bribe to kill an innocent person
Deuteronomy 27:25
Life is a gift created by God, and is not to be taken away by abortion. God is “pro-choice,” and He tells us clearly the only acceptable choice to make:
I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live
Deuteronomy 30:19
I hope some day that I can meet some of the babies saved by that little fortress of hope and through some of the work our team did. If I never do, that's ok too. God knows who they are and that's plenty good enough for me.

Have a prayerful day!


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