Friday, July 31, 2015

Wedding Rehearsal 7/31/2015

Good Morning,

Friday has arrived and I just did a cartwheel (in my mind). Rejoicing while reading from the Word of God this morning and my prayer time seemed better. My cup is filled with Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and I am on my way!

Tonight I will be practicing with a wedding party at their rehearsal. Tomorrow I will be officiating at their ceremony. Tonight will just be a practice. They can go through a couple of trial runs tonight and then tomorrow should be "just right".

Unfortunately this will be the last practice for them. Tomorrow they will be married and each day will be the real thing. No more practicing. There is no backing up and starting any days over. Now you are thinking, "quit being a downer". No, I am a realist. Married life begins tomorrow.

But what a blessing! No more eating alone. Someone to come home to. Someone to share dreams with. If they get it right in practice, they will always remember to include the Lord in every day together. I am sure they will. That lesson learned tonight can carry them through without backing up and trying to start over. Mistakes made, are usually never really forgotten. They are just a marker for the new start. So to avoid anxiety and the need to want to start over this last practice must be perfect and then remembered.

Leviticus 26:12                         
'I will also walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.

Have a great day!


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