Monday, July 13, 2015

Pool Therapy 7/13/2015

Good Morning,

Monday arrived, I prayed it wouldn't, but such a foolish prayer should always be answered with a NO! I just had a great time with my weekend that I did not want it to end. So I raise my cup filled with Door County Raspberry Butter Crunch Coffee and salute Monday. It only leads to Friday!!!

On hot days when the temperature is too warm for the dogs we will take them for a swim in the local river or a pond. To get a small puppy used to water we used a small pool for him to jump in and out of. This also worked well to cool off our older dog when swimming became a little tough on him. They loved just laying in the cool water . The younger one liked biting the hose. We had to replace it the following year. There were many times that Rene and I sat near the pool and watched those two go in and out of the water. Often next to our chairs would be a cold glass of iced tea or Diet Dr. Pepper for her. Those times were most relaxing and were an excellent "wind down" from hectic days.

Psalm 23:2-3New King James Version (NKJV)
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Friends, have you taken time to slow down lately and let God lead you to a place of rest and therapy for the soul, heart and mind? Have you spent time reflecting on His love for you, feeding on His Word, or allowing Him to lead each day?
You might not believe this but you are worth it to Him and to those around you. Take an hour and spend it beside the still waters of His love. You will find that once you do, you will visit that pool more often.
Love to all,

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