Sunday, July 19, 2015

In The Quiet Of The Den 7/19/2015

Good Morning,

I am moving pretty slow this morning. It seems as if this left knee of mine just wants to be pampered today. My coffee mug has my picture on it. It is a photo someone took when I was little boy. It is filled with Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee. I wonder if that little boy in that picture ever thought that he would be considered a relic?

I write this daily blog about 90% of the time from my den. I like to go outside and write from the back yard quite often, but today is too damp to do so. In my den I have a desk, our computer, and many dead animals, stuffed and mounted on the wall. I am surrounded by books, paintings, and photographs of friends and family. There are my guns and knives all locked up and a few hats adorning the area where I write to you. You could say that it is my own personal museum. Rene spends very little time up here. So I guess "there's no place like this place, anywhere near this place, so this must be my place."

What makes this place of mine the best is that it is quiet and I can gather my thoughts, feed my soul, and pray for others and myself usually without interruption.  The other things this den has held over the years are words from God, words to you and occasional tears for myself or others. It has bottled up within it's walls an emporium of different emotions. Peace, love, joy, anger, grief, and fear all have visited here.

Why am I sharing this story about a den with you? Because anywhere, somewhere, needs to be a place where you can go just to escape from the world for a little while and leave feeling better. It needs to be a place that you can go to daily. It might be the kitchen table, a spot under a tree, the bathroom, who knows where, but you need a place like that, Some use the public library or the local coffee house. Some go to mountain tops, my knee won't let me do that. But you need a place!

My friends, what good is having a place to go if you don't go there? Good intentions and a decorated room are useless if not used. God isn't within good intentions. He desires to meet, listen, speak, console, correct, love, discipline, teach, encourage anywhere. You just have to give Him the time.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world,  but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

So what do you say? Can you find a place to go where your mind, heart and soul can be renewed?  Will you dedicate time to God in that place?

Tomorrow we will talk about church membership.

Enjoy your day. You all made mine!


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