Sunday, June 2, 2024

Food Coma 6-2-2024

 Good Morning, 

Coffee can wait for awhile. I will get around to it when I feel like it. I think I might be embracing this retirement thing with the right attitude. But when I do get around to it. I will be drinking Door County Highlander Grog Coffee.

Our vacation has our first couple of days staying with friends. They have been more than hospitable. On Friday evening after spending some time during the day seeing some sites we went to dinner in town. These two treated us to a dinner fit for a king. Throughout the years my buddy Mark has often recommended different restaurants or dishes he has experienced in his travels. You can trust that if he recommends something, it is foolish not to try it.

Mark ordered a pork chop dinner and I followed his lead.  I really did not get a pork chop. It was more like, I received a pork roast. I did my best to try and eat all of my dinner. I turned out to be a pork chop wimp. We left the restaurant with a good sized portion of left overs. Needless to say, the dinner was delicious.

My point for the day is this. There is nothing like dear friends. We have been reliving some memories with Mark and Mary. But we have created some new ones as well. 

Proverbs 27:9 Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart and the pleasant essence of one's friends springs from his earnest counsel.

Friends, relive memories, but always  live to make new ones. Cherish old friends.



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