Friday, June 7, 2024

Growing Straight And Tall 6/7/2024

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot cup of coffee. It is not my usual brand but one should be content with what is served.

In our quest to visit some of the United States National Parks my wife Rene and I have logged plenty of time in our car. We have discussed many subjects while traveling and have listened to the radio just enough to hear the national and world news a few times a day. During one of our travel stretches in the Rocky Mountains the subject came up as to how amazing it is to see the forest growth and the trees on the side of mountains. Back in Wisconsin where we live there really a just big hills and a small mountain or two. What had us talking about the trees on the mountains was their growth on a steep incline. 

Although a mountain side can be very steep the trees grow vertically and very straight toward the sky. It is a beautiful thing to see. I can't even guess as to how old these trees are, but they all are reaching upward. I know that the sun and the trees need for sunlight has them reaching up to grow and get all the sun nutrients they need. 

Point of the day is this. As long as we live on this planet we are to be growing spiritually in our relationship with God. It is hard to grow when our eyes are not on God and we get consumed by our daily activities, work, family, and just plain old being too busy. Our growth gets stunted and we are likely to bend in the wrong directions in our lives. 

Psalm 92:12 The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like the cedar in Lebanon. 

The trees do not possess a brain to make choices. They know what they need and they pursue it. We on the other hand allow our choices to dictate just how we grow. Unfortunately once we begin to bend, the results of bending can have a permanent damage on our lives. Every day wasted in pursuit of laziness or evil is not a day that we can get back. A tree that is bent for some reason or another will show that something drew it away from a straight growth. Our lives are often a reflection of the times we looked away from God and did not spend enough time in the Son. 

Which way are you growing today? It might just be that you need to stop and refocus and look up.

Food for thought. 


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