Friday, June 21, 2024

The Road Can Be Long. Don't Make It Longer. 6/21/2024

 Good Morning,

I just sat down at my desk with a hot cup of Door County Sunrise Roast Coffee. It is time to write.

Hebrews 10:26 ESV For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins.

Yesterday I met a lady who actually knew me from my past. I worked for the same Health Organization as she still does and she recalls seeing me at the hospital where she works. You never know who you will meet while training your dog. During the day, I noticed she was limping a little and I inquired about it. She told me that she has two bad knee joints and she will be replacing them very soon. I remarked that I was very familiar with that process, as I had my two knees replaced a few years ago. She inquired as to any advice I could offer.

I replied, "Yes ! Just do everything the care team tells you to do. Do it just like they explained it to you. Do it as often as they would like for you to do. Don't do the things they tell you to stay away from. Be diligent in your therapy and know that the therapy will be uncomfortable. But do it! You own your knees and it is up to you to desire and pursue the healing."

Friends this process also goes hand in hand when overcoming addictions or relationship repairs. If you have the habit of lying for instance, even one little lie taints the whole recovery process. One little lie takes you right back to square one and before you know it, you are back to lying repeatedly and at will. Omitting the truth is a form of lying or sugar coating the "actual" with a pleasant story.

Beating an addiction of substance abuse does not allow for even a little white powder or whiskey. God does not bless efforts that allow for sin to be mixed in with the actual healing process. Right is always right. Correct is never filled with anything contrary to correct. And a road filled with excuses is never a smooth haul.

Like knee replacements, once committed to healing of the heart and soul, it is up to you to follow the "plan of care" to obtain optimal results and a better life. Anything less than following God's plans will not be successful.

Food for thought on this Friday!


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