Monday, June 3, 2024

Not One Nasty Person 6/3/2024

 Good Morning,

The day began with hotel coffee,  you can't take Door County Cherry Creme Coffee everywhere you go!

Proverbs 16:24 Gracious words are like honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

Yesterday my wife Rene and I continued our vacation visiting  United States national parks in the western part of the country.

Our first stop was Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. During the day we traveled from site to site in the park, either by car, shuttle or by foot. We encountered elk and deer on the road in quite a few spots. We caught a glimpse of a long horn sheep toward the end of our day. What a nice day! We also were blessed with sunny skies, rain, snow, and fog. The weather made it more interesting. 

Throughout the day we encountered many people. Different races, and nationalities were mixed in with our great day. The one  thing that was especially nice was all the greetings we received while sharing a shuttle or a trail. Everyone and I mean everyone was very pleasant. Men gave their seats up for women and children on the shuttles. People held doors open for one another as well as opening the doors for each other. People would ask you if they could take a picture of the two of us at a photo op. Thank you were not uncommon words. Mix those niceties in with the majesty we saw, and you could say that God blessed our day. Wouldn't it be nice if throughout the world we just were polite and nice every day?

My hope is that today is just as nice. 

God bless,


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