Sunday, June 16, 2024

Fathers Day 6/16/2024

 Good Morning,

Door County Cherry Creme Coffee is in my Thermos bottle and it is time for me to write.

Psalm 103:13 As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.

In the United States we are celebrating Fathers today/ I took some time to thank God for all the things my dad did for me and my siblings. He died few years ago and at times I miss him dearly. I could draft a long list of the things Dad taught me and a long, long list of what he did for me. 

The one thing he taught me and did for me was to set an example of "being there". Us three kids all had a run in with the world now and then and somehow, someway, Dad would show up and try to help us out of a mess, provide a chewing out when we needed it, and showed his love by just being there. 

I recall being 4 or 5 years old and I was severely ill. My predicament led to me being hospitalized. At that time our dad worked second shift. I woke up one night as sick as good be in the hospital, and looked over to the chair next to my bed and there was my dad. He came to the hospital after working 8 hours and sat with me through the night. He saved a half of his lunch sandwich (bologna with mustard)  on white bread. Swallowing was difficult for me. Dad took little pieces of the sandwich and dipped them into water to soften the bread. A little later I fell asleep with my dad holding my hand. Somewhere in the night I woke up again and that tired man was asleep in the chair but still holding my hand. In the morning my aunt came and relieved my dad so he could go home and catch some better sleep before going back to work. My mother asked him what he would like in his lunch box and he told her to pack another bologna sandwich as well as another half sandwich because he had a man he wanted to share it with. I was that man. One day when I was older she told me the story of the man and the boy and how the man shared his lunch with a man to be. I will never forget that act of compassion. 

So dads as best as you can with however you can, let your kids know how much they mean to you and if it came to them surviving you would give them your lunch and go without. Happy Father's Day!

God bless,


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