Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wisdom Says "Don't Mess Around" 6/5/2024

 Good Morning,

I am taking some time this morning to drink a hot cup of  hotel coffee. I am having a great trip but I sure could use a cup Door County Heavenly Caramel Coffee. I need to quit whining!

Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.

On our tour of United States national parks we stopped in to visit the Theodore Roosevelt Park in North Dakota. I was  driving the car through the park on a steep road with many hills and twists and turns. Just after taking a curve slowly, to my left was a decent sized herd of buffalo grazing in some sweet grass.

There wasn't anyone but my wife and I on the road, so we stopped to view those bison and capture a couple photos. I opened the car window and shot a couple of photos through the window opening. . I was going to stay put and take a couple more when a big one which had been lying down stood up. I never thought an animal that big could stand up that fast. It was time to move on and not upset that big boy. 

Later while listening to the radio in the car, a news caster spoke on "National Park Safety". "If you are visiting a national park this summer, give the animals room to roam and stay in your vehicles." He then explained that an 82 year old woman was gored by a buffalo recently at one of the parks. 

My point for the day is this. Sometimes things just scream "Leave It Alone". We need to exercise caution and common sense when interacting with wild animals. The parks are dotted with reminders to only view the critters from a safe distance and not to approach them. I feel bad for the family of the lady who was killed and I pray for them. 

I always say "Good advice given and not taken" is a fools own folly." And at times the cost of our foolishness is deep and wide.

God bless,


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