Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Ripe Peaches And A Time To Be Thankful 6/18/2024

 Good Morning,

Door County Highlander Grog Coffee made a splash down into my cup and now it is time to write. 

Psalm 136:1 ESV Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever/ 

The other day I was able to purchase some Georgia peaches which always is a highlight to my summer. Those peaches were ripe, sweet and ready to eat. Yesterday I made some sun tea and added some peach juice to the tea. I refrigerated it and had my first glass of Sweet Peach Tea for the summer. 

For our area of the world, yesterday was quite hot outside and it looks like today will be the same way. Every television channel made sure to advise us all to stay hydrated and as cool as possible. I plan on going about my chores today and some of them will be outside in the heat. I can tell you already that I will follow the advice and stay hydrated with that naturally sweet tea. I will look up toward heaven and say, "Thank you Lord for hot days and sweet tea." We are to be thankful in all things even for the simple things like sweet peach tea, a large glass and a hand full of ice cubes. 

So in heat or cold always look for a silver lining and enjoy that hot coffee or that cold tea with thankfulness in your heart!

God bless,


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