Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sometimes You Just Need Some Inspiration 6/9/2024

 Goof Morning,

My last day in Cody Wyoming has me drinking some more hotel coffee. I must admit that I am a little spoiled with my supply of Door County Coffee. It is time to write. 

Yesterday we continued our exploration of Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. We decided to see The Grand Canyon Of The Yellow Stone

My wife Rene and I didn't do much talking yesterday. I think the fast pace of this vacation caught up with us. We both lacked an ample supply of energy.

While driving to the canyon to see another of God's beautiful creations, I was praying about today's blog. That is when another sign jumped out and I knew that my focus would be on what I saw of the canyon.

We viewed the canyon from the top and it did remind me of the Grand Canyon in Arizona,  There was beauty to be seen from top to bottom. I imagined what it would be like to be stranded at the bottom of the canyon. I knew for certain that without more gear, food and water that if I were stranded down there I would probably not make it out. I would have to look up and figure out my step by step moves to even attempt to get out of there.

Friends, we all go through canyons or valleys of pain, doubt and fear. They seem to have us looking up for a way out. The key is that we need to look up, and seek God in prayer to bring us through and up out of valleys of depression, doubt, fear and uncertainty. Prayer and faith in God are the supplies we need. When we call upon the Lord, we can see the love of His care  for us. The valley walls remain high, yet when we look for God and He caries us, we can see the beauty of the canyons we are in.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, conviction of things not seen,

Jeremiah 33:3 Call out to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. 

God can take dark valleys and turn them into beauty when we see Him at work in our lives. 

God bless,


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