Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sacrificing Your Freedom 6/29/2024

 Good Morning. 

I have with me at my side two Springer Spaniels and a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee. It is time to write. 

Proverbs 25:26 Like a muddied spring or polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked. 

In this country we are allowed to legally own and in most states carry a firearm. I will openly admit that I own a few weapons myself. I purchased them legally and have a permit to carry one for protection. The others in my vault are used for hunting or target shooting. They are individually locked and kept in a vault. This is a safe practice for gun ownership. There is no excuse for a child to find and play with a loaded gun. 

The last thing I ever want to do is to have to use one of my firearms against anyone. But I have the freedom to protect myself and my family. I will do so if and when the need should arise. I pray that it doesn't. 

Here's a thought about freedom. We should place great value on being free. What I am seeing every night on the news are examples of people not placing value on their freedom or the freedom of others.

Young thugs just the other day shot up a vehicle at a fuel station and killed two children. The children had all of their potential accomplishments and their freedoms ended by someone who doesn't value their own. These thugs if caught will hear the jail door slam and it will be the start of their freedom-less life.  Besides that, the freedom to have a clear conscience was stripped  from them when they loaded the gun, which was probably obtained illegally.  I for one value being able to be free to own a home, fly a flag, attend a church, love my neighbors and celebrate  what God has given us. People talk freedom, freedom, freedom, when at any given moment they are willing to jeopardize their own freedom and the freedom of others. 

Food for thought!


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