Thursday, June 6, 2024

It Took More Than A Spray Can 6/6/2024

 Good Morning,

It is our last day in Kalispell Montana. We have to say goodbye to Glacier National Park and head to Cody Wyoming. Hotel coffee just isn't cutting it. It is time to write. 

Psalm 33:6 By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth.

We have been traveling by car from Parker Colorado to three national parks on a route that will end in Salt Lake City Utah. Needless to say we have driven by countless freight trains with box cars that seemed to be strung together a hundred or more in a line. My wife Rene remarked at how much graffiti has been painted on the side of the box cars. I can't imagine how much spray paint it took to paint up the sides of a box car. The time it took to criminally paint the cars has to be mind boggling. 

Some of the graffiti actually showed some talent, but what did it accomplish except to damage private property? 

Then once we reached three national parks we saw how God decorated His earth for us to see. His brush stroke gave us beauty beyond belief. God is the ultimate artist.

I believe these misguided artists would do well to put their thoughts on canvas, and then share them at an art show. They soon would find out that graffiti is not really art and accomplishes nothing. As the trains rumble through road crossings we all have to see damage done to private property, we watch a crime pass by. 

I am not sure what can be done with this. But if you have a child at home and they smell like spray paint, you might want to find out why they smell like paint. 

If they were to try and imitate God, they would paint a canvas that the world would want to see. Not their vandalism.

God bless, 


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