Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Don't Blame Your Shoes 6/19/2024

 Good Morning,

Today is beginning with a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and prayer. It is time to write. 

Proverbs 26:11 NIV As A dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.

Well I am still retired and so far I am doing pretty well with it. I have officially retired my work shoes. You might laugh, but here is a little story about my work shoes. Shortly after starting work for this last company I cracked a bone in my foot. It bothered me for quite some time and I had to spend a ridiculous amount of money for a really good pair of shoes that offered stability and support. I wore those shoes for 4 years. I always said to my wife that when I can't polish and shine the shoes anymore it will be time to retire. It was definitely time to retire or purchase new shoes. 

Romans 14:12 ESV So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. 

Galatians 6:5 ESV Each will have to bear his own load.

In the last two weeks I have received 3 pretty good job offers and all have been turned down. But, I sat down and really thought about one of them. The temptation was truly powerful. I will be tossing out those old work shoes today. It seems like those shoes just keep walking me back to working.

I will blame the shoes for my mind puzzle. But here is the lesson. I can't compare wanting to work as a sin. But for now it is not where God wants me. We cannot blame anyone or anything for going back to the sins we need to leave behind. Going back to what is not good for us or others, cannot be blamed on someone else or on circumstances. It is our choice and only our choice to walk back to things best left behind. My worn out shoes were beginning to hurt my feet, yet I was still going back to them. Going back to sins you left behind can be hurtful to yourself and others. 

Where do the shoes of your heart keep you walking back to?

Food for thought. 


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