Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Remember The Day 6/25/2024

 Good Morning,

I am sitting at my desk drinking a cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and it is time to write. 

Today would have been my parents wedding anniversary. That grand total of years would number 69 now and even though they have both passed on I still try to observe that big day each year with a cup of coffee and a smile. 

Colossians 3:20 ESV Children obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.

Today and tomorrow I will take a lesson I learned from each of them and pass it on. Today would be Mom's day to pass on some wisdom. I figured it out at a very early age one thing Mom insisted on was having the right tools for us kids to learn with. It was Mom who made sure we had library cards and the valuable lesson of returning books on time. Mom saved up enough money to purchase a full set of the encyclopedias. Then when we had some question about anything we were sent to the book shelf and we were taught how to mine for knowledge. When it came to history and if it were possible, all of the questions on ancient history and the years that were associated with our question were coordinated with dates in history within the Bible. 

I for one was bored just by the word encyclopedia, yet my sister thrived on straight A's and this approach worked well with her. As for our younger brother he was more into science and experiments. I wasn't around much for his formative years although I was blamed for being a bad example to him. But I am positive that Mom made sure he had the latest calculator or whatever he needed in the arena of learning.

My point for the day is this. There is so much to know now, and I thought it was bad back in the day. There are conveniences now like Google, the web in general, and my favorite "YouTube". I don't watch much in the way of television but I have been known to spend some time perusing the History Channel.

Parents need to be even more diligent in keeping the kids focused, interested and assisted at times so they can say later in life, "I had the opportunity to learn. Thank you Mom and Dad, Even for the discipline". 

Hang in there parents! Children obey your parents!

Your kids need you.


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