Saturday, June 15, 2024

Slinging Mud Not A Good Idea 6/15/2024

 Good Morning,

Door County Cherry Creme Coffee is in my cup and the time has come for me to write.

On our recent vacation, our travels took us to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. The park is full of God's wondrous nature. On one particular day we stopped in the park to see natural steam and mud which were like small volcanos. That mud was intensely hot and did not have a pleasant odor. However it is  good fodder for my message today. The little volcanos were not controlled as to when they would flow. They were unpredictable but somewhat regular. It reminds me of a person who does not think before they speak and you never really know what will come out of their mouths, especially if they have a little anger within them urging them to speak.

I learned a long time ago that you cannot take back the words that fly out from your mouth. The words are often like that steam heated mud. They can burn relationships and they provide an odor that is pungent and sickening. 

I think if we practiced self control over our mouths, the world would be just a little bit better of a place. The mud flow never returned to it's cave, once out, it heated the land and air  around it and left an odor that we could still smell on our clothes later on in the day. 

My friends a little mouth control goes a long way in keeping the peace. Kind words or no words at all are a better self policy and make for a sweeter aroma in life.

God bless. 


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