Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Strength Of The Heart 6/12/2024

 Good Morning,

I once again am sitting at my desk drinking a hot cup of Door County Irish Cream Coffee and I am enjoying every drop of it.

Psalm 72:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. 

I have watched and participated in many sporting events long enough to be able to spot a person, or animal that competes with their heart. They might be a touch weaker or slower, but they give all they can to an event and even though the skill level might be lower, they participate with all the heart they have. 

They somehow dig down and have more energy, strength, and guts than you would expect from them. I listened to a young man talk about his wife, who is battling cancer. He told me that she is fighting off this deadly disease with everything she can muster. She told him that although in reality it does not look good,  each day she just asks for the strength to make it one more day. She does not anticipate healing, but wants to be a mom and wife each day until God calls her home. Bed ridden, she still reads to her two children nightly and is writing a book of advice for them and her husband. 

She credits God for the time and extra needed strength. You might be in some battle during this day and it might be stealing all of your strength, but remember who strengthens your heart. God is in the fight with you and gives you more strength of heart. Let Him be the Lord of your heart today.

God bless,


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