Thursday, June 27, 2024

Diligence With Your Finances 6/27/2024

 Good Morning,

My desk seems to be a little more of a nice place to be this morning. The sun is pouring through the upstairs window and it is time to write. My mug is filled with Door County Grasshopper Coffee. 

Proverbs 10:4 A slack hand produces poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich. 

A few weeks ago I retired from a job that I held for almost five years. Prior to that I worked in health care for 38 years. I am happy to say that both places had a retirement plan that I participated in. As I retired from the latest company I decided to access the money in the account and reinvest it with a reputable company. You could say that I am managing my money. We planned ahead to greet our old age. Just like squirrels we took money a little at a time and put it away for this day. 

The point for the day is this. Time stands still for no one. Sooner or later you will need to leave the work force and then survive. It is perfectly fine for people to work well beyond retirement age if they can do so. But , it is also a good idea if you are able to, participate in a savings plan for retirement. 

Pray over your investments and your finances in general. Check out every angle before you invest. Test the company out with a little before you give them a lot to work with. 

So that is what we are doing today. My wife Rene and I are entrusting the smaller amount now available to me with a company that comes highly recommended and is not who handles the larger portions of our finances. You could say we are are adding some diversity to our bank our accounts. 

Thank God if you have money to invest and pray for the people who manage the account and ask God to bless them with wisdom and honesty. 

Food for thought!


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