Friday, September 22, 2023

Choose How Your Day Goes 9/22/2023

 Good Morning,

Friday it is and I just poured a cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and now it is time to write.

Photo Credit Bob Bennett

1 Peter 5:6-7 AMP Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you ( to a place of honor in His service) at the appropriate time. 7.Casting all of your anxieties, worries and all your concerns once and for all on Him. For He cares for you with deepest affection and watches over you very carefully. 

Each day starts with the morning. And each day when we wake up we make a choice as to how we will spend the day. It could be that you are experiencing some troubles right now and today will bring some more. It could be that you just aren't happy with your life. That wake up today has you snarly and growling at everyone who as to deal with you. Thus I know for a fact that sometimes when we growl at others it doesn't make them want to be around us and now we have placed ourselves in "Lonely Land" and now we feel abandoned. 

It doesn't have to be that way. We choose our response to the day and our responses to others. It's like being a drowning man and then asking for a drink of water. No man in their right mind would ask for more water while drowning. Misery does like company, but company is hard to find when we choose to be on the attack and growly. A bad day can be made a lot worse when we decide to make ourselves more miserable, and to include those around us in our misery. We lose sight of the blessing bestowed on us and cannot find peace, happiness and contentment. 

At times we are our own worst enemies. Make a change today as to how you approach it. Be grateful for one more day. Look around you and see that God has painted the sky again today. Turn even this day and tomorrow over to God. He cares for you. Acknowledge your bad attitude, meanness, and inappropriate ways you interact with others. Greet others as you would like to be greeted. You will see that kindness returns back to you when you have the right attitude toward the day and toward others. 

God bless.
