Sunday, September 3, 2023

Being A Team Player 9/3/2023

 Good Morning,

The day began with a hot cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee and some prayer. 

Psalm 133:1 Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity.

I want to make a point today about being a team player , First let me point out that a team is always made up of more than one person or more than one animal. A team can be made up of people and animals. Now that we made that clear we can define the expectations of being a team member.

1. Know your role and what it takes to perform it.

2. Give 100% to your role as a team member and strive to go beyond expectations. 

3. A great team member makes sacrifices for the team and puts the team goals ahead of any personal goals. 

4. When receiving personal accolades, pass on the credit to all the members of the team. Strive for the team success and to help others look good when possible. 

5. Don't ask others to do something you wouldn't do.

Being a team player can be an attribute to family life also. A solid team of people or a couple always puts the others on the team first. Being a good family team member requires sacrifices and dedication to see the others in the family succeed,.

This requires Godly unity and prayer. Without the unity, prayer and hard work, many families fail because of selfish desires,

Food for thought!



  1. Every team needs a captain. With God as our Captain and you our leader, we can spread THE WORD.
