Monday, September 25, 2023

Chase The Rats Away 9/25/2023

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a cup of Door County Caramel Coffee and it is time to write. 

Proverbs 23:32 In the end it bites like a serpent and stings like an adder. 

I have seen some rats in my life and I always go in the opposite direction if possible. 

Many years ago while at work I encountered a rat that had one purpose in mind and that was to defend his space. I was working in the plumbing industry at the time and was loading my truck with supplies. I was reaching for something on a warehouse shelf and encountered a rat which jumped on to my arm and then in the struggle to get him off of my arm, the rat bit me. It wasn't a huge gash, just a solid bite. The company I worked for set several rat traps and by the next day and the rats were tested for rabies. One rat came up positive and I then had to receive the vaccine for the next 14 days. This all occurred very quickly after my doctor and the health department agreed to what needed to be done. I could not identify the rat that bit me and with rabies, you don't gamble. 

Now that I ruined your breakfast, let me tell you where I am headed with this.

My employer worked quickly to remove the rodents from the property and then kept up a plan to avoid infestation in the future. They acted immediately. One bad accident caused them to be extremely vigilant. The vaccine of 14 days in the abdomen caused some reactions to my body and for several days I was pretty ill. 

Friends we all have the potential to invite rats into our lives. I am not talking about the animal type. I am speaking about spiritual rats. These could be anything that causes you not to walk on the path God has for us. This could be pornography, alcoholism, drug abuse, anger, greed, laziness, cheating on a spouse, and the list goes on. Rabies left untreated is fatal. Failure to acknowledge the spiritual rats in our lives can always deliver crippling blows to our lives and others. I give you one example today. Drug abuse left unchecked could cause loss of a job. Without any money coming in and the addiction growing and growing, it often leads to a life of crime through desperation. This is a rat which now lives within you.

John 10:10 The thief comes to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 

Not going to church and making excuses for not being there that are bogus, is allowing the rats of laziness to gain ground and begin to attack your life and other actions. Most people work hard to rid their homes or property of rats when needed. Or they run far enough away. But they act on the physical threat. We need to act on the spiritual rats when we encounter them immediately. Left unchecked the rats only multiply. 

Food for thought. 


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