Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Pressure Had To Be Mind Boggling. 11/30/2022

 Good Morning,

A very hot mug of Door County Irish Cream Coffee is steaming next to me. this pot of coffee is in memory of an Irish friend of ours who passed away earlier this week. It is time to write.

Matthew 7:12 So whatever you would have others do to you, do also unto them. 

Yesterday in the world of soccer two team squared off in a match for the World Cup. Political differences with the two countries are steaming between the two to say the least. Most everyone will know which two countries I am writing about. Although it was a soccer match and really supposed to just be a game, the political pressure of the world situations was on the shoulders of these athletes. You could just sense the added pressure. Of course both teams wanted to win and it was a hard fought match. According to the news one of the teams had so much pressure on their athletes that supposedly their families are now being threatened. This is the team that eventually lost the game. The members of this team had already taken a political stand against their country publicly, which places them and their families in danger. What a shame!

Imagine playing under that type of pressure and threats. So today, my prayer is for safety for the athletes and their families of this country. I do not know their names but God does. I am also reminded that in many countries we put such pressure on winning at sports that it is no longer much fun to participate as an athlete. It's good to strive to win. But at what cost? Let's also pray for ourselves that we can be fans of the games we support without being nasty upon nasty while participating or cheering on our respective teams. 

God bless,


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The First Christmas Decoration. The Nativity 11/29/2022

 Good Morning,

I will be on the road very soon and it is earlier than normal. I am praying that the weather supports my travel as I head North. The travel mug will be filled with Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. Time to write. 

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders. And He will be called, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 

The day after Thanksgiving, my wife Rene began decorating the house for the house for Christmas. The first thing to come out of the box was our Nativity set. This set was given to us by coworkers for our wedding. So it is a true antique and is always set out first. It sets the tone for the season as were are reminded how Jesus entered the world as a baby. I also spend a little time being thankful for friends that purchased such a thoughtful gift. 

It's funny how just seeing that set puts me in a Christmas kind of mood. It makes me want to send out a few Christmas cards. I will admit that between the two of us, I am the one who plays the Christmas music on the radio. But when I think about King who left heaven to come to this world, I ask myself this question. Who am I that He would do so for me and you? 

When you look at it that way, it puts the correct spin on the Christmas story. Our King left heaven to bleed and die for me and you. Keep on decorating, but remember just who gave you a reason to celebrate Christmas. 


Monday, November 28, 2022

Christmas Caroling On The Schedule 11/28/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. It is time for me to write and head out.

Luke 2:9-10 And angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were afraid. 10. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 

This coming Saturday will be December 3rd and it seems as if December is arriving in a rush. My personal calendar is filling up quickly and I can't squeeze too much more into it. 

One thing that is cemented in already (12/3) has our Saturday Evening church group going out Christmas Caroling after the evening service. Once the caroling is completed they will come back to the church for a soup dinner. Several kinds of soup will be available for the folks to sample and dine on. This has been somewhat of a tradition for about 25 years or maybe a little more. 

We will be visiting a home for the elderly that is walking distance from our church. My wife and some of the other ladies will have little gift bags filled with usable items like lip balm and lotion. They will be given out to all the residents within the home and their attendant for the evening. 

As December begins and your calendars start to fill up, have you reserved some time to serve others in your community, church, or organizations you belong to? There should be time allotted to do so. in addition take your children with you and teach them the value of reaching out to others instead of looking inward.  They might not ever forget the smile they receive from someone they helped to find Christmas Joy. 

Food for thought. 


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Auburn Lake Great Memories, But The Best Is Yet To Come 11/27/2022

 Good Morning,

Another morning with a great cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee and two Springer Spaniels keeping me company. It is time to write.

Yesterday I deer hunted in the Norther Kettle Moraine area of Wisconsin. Back many years ago I did a little more hunting in that area with two of my good friends. We would hunt Auburn Lake for ducks. They would bow hunt for deer while I hunted for rabbits and squirrels. We would regroup and chase grouse with two of our dogs. I tend to go back there on a yearly basis to deer hunt and whether I get a deer or not I am always amazed at the scenery that area allows me to see. 

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim the work of His hands. 

The sunrise yesterday morning was slow, yet it was a beautiful show. You can't help but to say that when God made the world He planned out some beautiful scenery for us to see and cherish. I will admit that man has built some beautiful monuments, but as hard as mankind tries they will never out perform God in scenery splendor, majesty, and plain old awesomeness. And very few people will actually ever see all the wonders of the world in their lifetime.  

So if the beauty of the sky, the waterfalls, mountains, rivers, oceans, lakes trees, rock formations, animals, sea creatures, the moon and the stars, are any indication of God's artistic abilities I can only imagine how He has decorated heaven for us to live and worship Him. 

God has many names and I challenge you to look them up. It makes for great reading. One of those names is Creator. I think that one more name also describes Him . He is an Artist for sure. Because on a daily basis He repaints the skies with splendor and beauty. 

Never take for granted the beauty that was created for us to see and enjoy. And don't forget that our awesome God makes new scenery every day. The Artist never sleeps. 


Saturday, November 26, 2022

Hunting With A Buddy. 11/26/2022

 Good Morning,

This fine day will find me in the woods in search of white tail deer.

I will be hunting with my buddy and I am sure we will be somewhat serious about hunting , but not all that serious. We will be happy if something comes our way and we harvest it, but not all that disappointed if it doesn't. 

The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. 

I will be taking some sandwiches along and a hot bottle of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee. The other thing that will be traveling with me is a large vault of memories in my head. I will be taking all the deer hunting memories good and bad with me from several decades. Things I learned from my dad, grandpa, uncles, cousins and friends will be going through my head like a movie in review. 

One thing they taught me was to enjoy the day, the minute and the moment. Take it all in. Everything from the weather, the squirrels, rabbits, cardinals and blue jays as well as any dear should be treated as a gift. A view given to you by God to be cherished and enjoyed. And if by chance you are hunting with a relative or friend, enjoy their good company. There might be only two of us hunting today, but I will be taking a whole bunch of folks along with me in my head. 

So if today is a day that you have something planned with family or friends, make sure to go. The memories last a lifetime.


Friday, November 25, 2022

Here We Go. Traditions Can't Always Be Trusted 11/25/2022

 Good Morning,

Friday arrived and it will find me hunting again for some ducks and geese. I am looking forward to seeing my dog Leo at work today. I just poured a a hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee and now it is time to write. 

                                                    Photo Credit Cartoon A Day

Today in America the day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday. In years past the stores would actually open at 8:PM, midnight, or 5:Am . Sales advertisements were sent out touting "The Lowest Prices Of The Year for 12 hours". People would eat Thanksgiving dinner, take a nap and the before midnight they would be standing in line, waiting for the store to open. The door would be unlocked and people would stampede into the store and run to purchase some item at a cheap price. I have done this with a buddy of mine. We go out just to watch the mayhem and then eat breakfast. We have witnessed some insane antics. 

Now in many instances these prices were very low. And for a night of lost sleep you got a "deal". But not all prices are the lowest ones of the year. I did some research and found out what I want to purchase tomorrow was lower in price two weeks ago. So as the stores and advertisers  spin the hype and again some prices are very low, it is upon the shopper to beware and research the truth. 

So that tradition of shopping before dawn will wait until I get home. I found the same item on sale at a different supplier for just a little less than the other store, who actually marked up the item hoping for people to get caught up in the sale hysteria. 

My point for the day is this. You work hard for what you earn. Do the research two weeks before you are going to make a purchase. Then wait to see if the hype is really the truth. If it is a spoof, take the advertisement with you and ask if the price on the item is really the lowest price of the year. If they say yes, show them the advertisement you printed. They might eat some crow and lower your spend.  But the damage was done and now you have doubt about that company and the lack of truth.

So if your are in business. Be honest. Don't take advantage of a tradition and all the hype that goes with it. 

Proverbs 11:1 A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is His delight. 

If you are making a purchase, do the research. Be good stewards of your own finances. 

Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit, as surely as haste leads to waste.

Take a nap! God bless,


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Day11/24/2022

 Good Morning, 

A hot mug of Door County Autumn Spice Blend Coffee will be right next to me as I drive to meet some guys for a little duck hunting this morning. Never fear, I will make it home in time for Thanksgiving Dinner. Bring on that lasagna!

Today we slow down and many will gather together and celebrate the blessings of life. We will be dining with my wife's side of the family and I am sure it will be very nice. When I went to bed last night the aroma of fresh pumpkin pies in the oven put me to sleep with visions of whip cream hiding my pie.

Today I want to thank God for His love and His plan for our salvation in Jesus Christ. We love and serve a mighty God. The only God who has triumphed over sin and the grave. 

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 

Every breath we take, every sunrise we see, every baby that is born are part of the many gifts God bestows upon us. They are all important and precious. But there is no greater gift than Jesus.

Thank you Lord, for loving us enough to send Jesus to die for our sins. Thank you for an eternal home. 


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thank You For Work 11/23/2022

 Good Morning, 

Wow this week is going by fast. I just poured a hot mug of Door County Vanilla Creme Brulee Coffee  and I am ready to write.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

Photo Credit Barrett-Jackson

In 65 years I haven't compiled a very long list of jobs that I worked at. I have been blessed to be employed from a very young age right up to now at various part time jobs and full time jobs. I am grateful for each one, as they all impacted me differently and always in a good way. I was always paid on time and was able to support my needs large and small. 

I first entered the work force (other than shoveling snow and, mowing lawns,) just before the end of my 8th grade year in school. I found a job at a Texaco garage and filling station. Yes, we actually pumped gas, checked the oil, and checked tire pressure on the customer's automobiles. Once school ended for the year, the job turned pretty much into full time hours. I learned a lot about responsibility and showing up on time. I found out what 5:30 AM meant to my boss and just how many people came in for gasoline at that time. 

I held that job until I was 18 years old. I learned how to treat customers, tune up cars, change mufflers, replace brakes and clean a dirty garage. I also learned how to treat employees. I was treated very well and I was treated the same as the forty year old employees were. 

Later in life I stumbled into health care and worked for 36 years for the same employer. I met my wife in one of the hospitals where I worked. The rest of that story is for another time.

No matter what job I had, I always had coworkers. That really is the blessing I enjoyed the most and still do. Many people crossed my path and they all made an impact, good or bad. Each experience I had with people proved to be valuable in one way right then and now or later. I twice worked for the worst managers you could have ever met. I worked for one for six years. I learned how to have respect for the position he held and to wait on God for a change. What I learned from those bad experiences, is how not to treat staff, and then be the  type of leader they weren't. I knew what I wouldn't do. 

When I look back on my work life, I can see many of the faces that I shared a coffee with, worked alongside of them, enjoyed their company and at times grieved with them.  I thank God for the experiences of work, the many memories and  most of all for those I worked for, with and eventually had some work for me. I have no regrets for ever walking into that Texaco Garage and asking if they had any work for a skinny teenager.


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Thank You For Family 11/22/2022

 Good Morning,

The aroma from the kitchen woke me up before the alarm clock did this morning. Nothing like the smell of hot Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee coming from the kitchen. It is time to write. 

John 1:16  From His abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another. 

I couldn't have a week of being thankful without being grateful for my family which for me, includes my wife, child, grandson, parents, grandparents, great grandparents, my siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, in laws, nieces and nephews and our two dogs. 

To say the least I have been blessed with a large amount of family. As with every large clan, distance always hinders seeing them as often as I would have liked to. Several members of the family had big influences on me that they probably won't recall. If it weren't for three of my cousins I probably would have never played football. One uncle helped me make sense of algebra. One aunt taught me how to golf. I will be serving a meal this week with grandma's recipes at the forefront. I learned to add in my head and multiply by playing cribbage with grandpa. Mom and dad provided for me and set me on my feet. Dad taught me how to work and not slack off. My daughter and grandson inspire me as they work hard at what they do. My wife got the short end of the deal when she married me, but never complains. 

If my life were ever a movie there would be a long list of credits with supporting roles in my life. I thank God for everyone of them. For the times they fellowshipped, taught, scolded, and forgave, I am truly grateful. I can't imagine how different these 65 years would have been without them. 

Have a great day. Be thankful for the cast of characters in the movie of your life. 


Monday, November 21, 2022

Thanksgiving, Thank You To You! 11/21/2022

 Good Morning,

This morning my cup of get up and go is a hot mug of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee. The house is a little cold this morning as we try to do our part to conserve energy and save some money. I used the hot mug to warm my hands and now it is time to write. 

Philippians 1:3-4 I thank my God upon every remembrance of you..4 always in every prayer of mine, making requests for you with joy. 

I have a whole list of blessings to be thankful for and especially the people in my life. Some of you read my writings and ramblings on a regular basis. I am thankful for everyone who reads this daily blast and for everyone who has ever took the time to read or comment. Even the negative comments I receive make me think a little more and I am grateful for the time someone took to comment positively or negatively.  

I probably will never  meet many of the readers who just scrolled though their browser looking for something and clicked on and read what I had to say. Some day we might meet in heaven and that will be a great introduction or reunion. I still see people are reading "Castor Oil And The Bible". It is the number one blog in my many posts. 

But for now, I want you to know that I do pray for those who read my blog and especially those it impacts and when they let me know that it did. You are loved. I want to especially thank the young lady who inspired me to try this and set up the whole Google account. Nicole you are a true blessing. 

So today walk on with hope in your hearts and know that you were prayed for today. God bless!!


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Once A Dad Always A Dad 11/20/2022

Good Morning, 

My day is beginning early and I will be heading out to hunt geese with family and friends. My Thermos bottle will be filled with Door County Sunrise Roast Coffee. I think some donuts will be shared while we hunt today! It is time to write. 

2 Corinthians 6:18 And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty. 

Many years ago, and it seems like yesterday to me, God blessed me with a daughter. She was born just before Christmas and on Christmas day that year I was watching a movie while my little bundle of joy was sleeping on my chest. The movie was an old classic called "All Mine To Give". In the movie a young boy had to give his brothers and sisters away on Christmas day after they were orphaned a few days before. If you like good wholesome movies and don't mind having a hay fever attack during the movie, I would recommend that you look it up and watch it. I mention hay fever because real men don't cry. They just have hay fever attacks. As Kristy would stir on my chest I would rub her back and keep her warm. I will never forget that day. 

When Kristy was born I was a very young man and realized on day one that I had a new responsibility, but this responsibility was easy to love. I recall that day while watching the movie that I knew I would always be concerned about her no matter how old she became and how successful she might be. Yesterday, Kristy was traveling by plane from Florida to Georgia which is routine for her. I found myself praying for her safe travel and for her to get some rest. You see, nothing has really changed since she was born except for our ages. She is still my little girl and as long as I live I will be concerned for her welfare and safety. Once a dad, always a dad. 

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. 

God is the same way. He is always concerned about us and has angels watching over us. So today despite your age you are still a child to God. Enjoy the feeling! 

Have a great day. 


Saturday, November 19, 2022

A Morning By The Fire 11/19/2022

 Good Morning,

I am embracing the start of this day with a hot mug of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee, prayer and quiet. The fireplace has a small fire in it and it is doing a great job of taking the chill out of the house.

James 5:16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 

I hunted pheasants yesterday with a little success and I will be hunting geese tomorrow morning. In years past I would have been up north somewhere walking out to hunt deer. Today is the first day of deer season in Wisconsin. I will hunt for deer  next weekend when there are less hunters in the woods. The thrill of opening day just isn't there for me anymore. 

I do have some work from my part time job that needs to be done today. So it will be nice to keep the fire going while I work in front of the fireplace. Some of my friends and family will be out there pounding the brush or sitting up in trees today stalking those great white tails. 

So while working and waiting on a photo or two to hit Facebook or a text is sent to my phone, I will remember the old days of being up at 4:am eating a granola bar or two and heading out in the dark dressed like a pumpkin hoping to bring home some venison. 

The one thing those friends and family will get from me today is prayer for safety and for success. I will be their biggest cheer leader. So whether you have friends or family venturing out today for work, hunting, or anything else. Cover them in prayer. Ask God to smile upon them and provide for them. They will never know that they were prayed for but you will. And so will God. 


Friday, November 18, 2022

Don't Bore Them 11/18/2022

 Good Morning,

I will be heading out later this morning to hunt some pheasants with a good friend of mine and his brother. So I need to coffee up with some Door County Autumn Spice Coffee. It is time to write. 

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong, Let all you do be done in love. 

You have heard the expression "Boys Will Be Boys" . I truly believe in that statement and I am all for it. Yet we have many who would rather have the boys behave more and be gentle. Nothing wrong with behaving. There is no doubt that if you set 5 boys at a table with art supplies and tell them to make a lamb by gluing cotton balls together on to a paper plate and then leave them alone in the room, they might stack all the chairs on to the table and try to touch the ceiling. That's what boys do. They like to live for adventure and will be bored with life that does not take them to adventure and challenges. 

I am all for good behavior and minding your elders, but not at the cost of emasculating the boys. You might be saying right now that I just am an old grumpy man. This would be true. But I also believe boys should be allowed to be boys and curriculum should foster time for them to be boys. 

Food for thought!


Thursday, November 17, 2022

A Bundle Of Joy 11/17/2022

 Good Morning,

Tis morning I was ready to write after a little time was spent drinking some Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and some prayer. 

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart. and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 

Yesterday we attended the life celebration (funeral service) for our neighbor. I was asked to officiate the service and it was an honor to do so. I found it hard to do just because you just couldn't help but love the guy and his family. So as we celebrated his old life and his new one in heaven I had two emotions going at the same time. I was very happy that his battle with ALS was over. Yet as I watched everyone with tear filled eyes, I too was mourning his loss. 

Prior to me speaking I stepped outside of the main room into a sitting area. There was a young lady there with a 1 year old little girl on her lap. The little girl had some kind of key ring in her hand and was enjoying playing with it. I said hello to her mother. The little girl was wearing a beautiful dress and just looked elegant. She was a cutie for sure. I we chatted for a minute. During that time her mom prompted her to speak and she mumbled hello in baby talk. I had been praying for God to hold me together so I could speak and conduct myself in a way that would let me deliver the eulogy without falling apart. When that little girl spoke, she also lit up the room with a big smile. 

I thought how to her, the world seemed perfect and she was enjoying a set of keys while sitting on her mother's lap. In her little eyes being with mom sitting on her lap was the bees knees. Silently I prayed for that mom and little girl and knew that the example set found in that sitting room was a good one to practice. 

Now and then my friends we just need to spend time like children in the arms of our Lord, secure and content just to be with Him.  We just need to be like little children and humble ourselves right to the lap of our Lord. And despite the circumstances we can just relish the time and smile. He holds the keys to peace during sadness. Unlock your heart and just be held by God. 

God bless,



Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Making Up Is Hard To Do. 11/16/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began with our two dogs growling at the front door. They had a perfect view of an early morning rabbit sitting in front of the window. The street light and the new snow helped to illuminate their view. I just poured a hot mug of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and now it is time to write. 

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. 

I was asked by a young man some time ago a few months before his wedding day a simple question on marriage.  He asked me if I could give him some advice on how to make up with his wife after an argument. I laughed and he looked like I hurt his feelings. I am not sure he liked my answer either,

I went on to explain. "Buddy the best way to make up with your wife is to not have had the argument in the first place. Learn the signals of an oncoming argument and have a back out plan. The plan should be discussed now, before your wedding and both of you have a say in how to back out of an argument and let the fires of anger blow out."

Some simple rules we follow at our home is to try very hard not to discuss things that are sensitive, and emotionally  charged at night, before going to bed. Tired persons do not make reasonable partners to begin with.  Pray together before your trial without a jury begins and the minute things start to get heated up, you both call time out and go back and pray. Ask God to show you if you are being selfish in your views on the discussion at hand. If it is revealed that you are being selfish you need to concede that you are wrong, apologize and ask to be forgiven. Both of you should agree to be humble and admit when you are wrong. Just a change in our voice tones should give you the notice to take a a walk for more prayer. When in the time of life  you are discussing the behavior of the other person. Discuss the behavior with the intent to let your partner know that this offensive behavior bothers you and without stomping them under the feet of harsh words. Remember that no one is perfect. Anger has a tendency to blow up like gasoline poured on to a fire. Don't allow anger to enter the room. Call the time out. Pray, for behavior control and the ability to forgive. Deep down, no one wants to do something that offends their partner. Being confronted with a fault, people get defensive quickly and anger ensues. 

Learn to accept when you are wrong. Fix the situation of yours or hers together. This goes for both of you. So I guess the best way to make up after an argument is not to have the argument in the first place."

I left him bewildered and knew this advice was not what he wanted to hear. So later I emailed him some ways to say you are sorry and ways to be romantic. The best way to be romantic is for couples to learn to discuss things honestly, privately, and with love and respect for each other and do it with prayer. 

Food for thought.


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Bracing For Snow. 11/15/2022

 Good Morning,

I can only let you imagine how good my mug of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee tastes this morning. I have said it many times. I would love to sit down for a cup of Door County Coffee, some Nueskes Bacon, with eggs over easy, and two small biscuits with all who read this. I know it can't happen, but it is a nice dream. 

Proverbs 22:3 A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences, 

Last night the weather forecast let us know that we are to expect some snow this morning and early this afternoon. My wife Rene and I both made sure the proper equipment for winter was in both of our vehicles. I placed an insulated bottle on the countertop to be filled before I head out to work with some hot coffee. It is my best bottle and it has kept liquids warm for 24 hours. If I would end up in a ditch, I have some hot coffee to tide me over. The forecast doesn't call for a lot of snow, but you need to be prepared for slippery roads and for those people who forget how to drive in snowy weather. Proper footwear, and warm clothing are a must. Some water and small candy bars work to wait out a storm. Plan ahead and allow enough time to travel safely.

I am one who always like to be prepared for changing seasons or storms that come along. We are good to go in our home for several days if not weeks if we had to. Now don't go off of the deep end on me here. We are not two survivalists that are ready to face the apocalypse head on and beat it to death. It is just good to be prepared to make it for a few days without having to struggle. 

God tells us to be prepared. Are you?


Monday, November 14, 2022

I Needed A Break. 11/14/2022

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee is sitting next to me and I am ready to write.

3John 2 Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.

I try to post a new version of this daily blog every day. Now and then in addition to the new one for the day I will resend a version from several years ago. I guess I am like the television networks so now and then and I will publish a rerun. 

Today is new and comes straight from my heart. Yesterday was one of those rare days that I did not have something to write. I won't say life has been tough but several personal events last week and just the day to day grind left me a little bit overwhelmed. I took some time away from the pen yesterday to enjoy some friend and family time. It was much needed and I enjoyed myself catching up on some rest, fun and relaxation. 

My point for the day is this. Make time to take care of yourself, spiritually, mentally and physically. You are at your best when you are rested, inline with God and when you purge your mind now and then. It is important to give yourself a "mini retreat" more often than you think. 

Here is what I will finish with. You are important to someone. Someone counts on you or many count on you. God desires to hear from you. Taking care of yourself is not selfish it is also an act of love and service to those who need you or want to hear from you. 

Food for thought.


Saturday, November 12, 2022

Just A look Outside The Window. 11/12/2022

 Good Morning,

My day started very early this morning and I will be writing about it tomorrow. I will be enjoying a road cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee this fine day and now it is time to write. 

Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these, my brothers and sisters, You di unto me.'

Yesterday while writing and studying I could not help but watch the sunrise come up on the Eastern horizon. Just when there was enough sun to call it daylight I happened to look out again and the crab apple tree just outside my window had a beautiful red cardinal perched on a branch.  I did not have my phone handy so a photo did not happen. It would have been a great picture. 

So today I have only the memory of that scene in my mind. The memory is a good one and it reminds me that I haven't put out the winter bird feeder yet. I will watch for that cardinal throughout the winter. 

My point it this. for some reason that cardinal was outside our window and it was enjoyable to watch. It served as a reminder that winter is soon upon us. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and there are many food drives taking place to feed the homeless and less fortunate. One grocery store that I patronize makes it easy to contribute food. You purchase a non perishable item and place it in a barrel. Rene and I have elected to support a local rescue mission. 

Many years ago when I was a child we were the recipients of groceries donated by an organization to our family. Times were tough then and now it is time to pay back and be conscious of how we have been blessed. So if you have some extra, consider being a blessing to those who don't. God bless. 


Friday, November 11, 2022

Remembering All Veterans And One Special Guy To Me. 11/11/2022

 Good Morning,

I woke up on time, but chose to  chose to write a little later today. I wanted to see the morning sunrise first.  I am saluting this day with a hot mug of Door County Heroes Blend Coffee and I have my heart in the right place. 

Romans 13:7 Give to everyone what you owe them. If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue; then revenue; If respect: then respect; if honor; then honor.

I woke up in a warm home this morning and my bed was comfortable. I have some food in the freezer and my pantry is full. I can choose to stay home today or go wherever I want to, I live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Today we honor all of our veterans, past and present. I am thankful for each and every one of them. 

As I grew up a long time ago as a family we celebrated all holidays. Of course Christmas and Easter were big ones for us kids. But I noticed at a young age that our dad took more time explaining three others. Christmas and Easter was left up to mom to explain. The 4th of July was our day to celebrate our nation's independence. Memorial Day was the day we honored those who served and died while serving.  Then there was Veterans Day and we learned to honor and appreciate those who served and are serving. This day meant a lot to our dad. I believe he considered serving in the Marine Corp was his greatest accomplishment. 

Today as I honor our veterans I have a tear n my eye for one from the past. If I could thank him again today, I would. Make sure to say thank you today to the veterans in your life and for those you meet along the way. Thank them every chance you get.  Thank you, brave men and women of America!


Thursday, November 10, 2022

A Day To Remember 11/10/2022

 Good Morning, 

I am drinking my hot cup of Door County Blueberry Coffee as I write and I am enjoying every drop of it. 

Ecclesiastes 7:10 Say not, "Why were the former days better than these.? 

As you get older like I am, you start referring to the old days and memories of days gone by. You say things like "Remember the snowstorm of 1978"?  Or how about? "There was nothing like those Big Boy hamburgers". or the old famoue phrase "I remember when"! Then there are the regrets statements like " I should have kept that 63 Ford"

There are years, months, and days that are etched in our memory vaults and they always seem to be better than the day we have right in front of us. So in a good way. How about making this a day to remember. One where a relationship gets restored. Or a debt gets paid or at least a payment is made. How about saying no to an addiction? Or maybe we say no to being abused and we do something about it. Today could be a day when a much needed change is made. A day to remember! My Grandfather used to tell me about the day he quit drinking. According to my dad, it was a day to remember and one I guess I am happy to say I heard about, but glad I missed it. But it changed a lot of lives including mine. I only knew a sober grandpa.

So for your own good, or for the good of others, make this a day to remember. 


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Consentrate On What You Can Fix 11/9/2022

Good Morning,

I was happy when the aroma coming from the kitchen signalled that my hot pot of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee was finished brewing and that it was time to write. 

1Peter 5:7 Cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for you. 

We are wired to be worriers and often there are times that we fret so much that it impacts our health. This is not a good situation for anything. Many things in our lives are out of our control and no matter how much we worry or fret we cannot do much about them. 

So today I made a list of things I can control or at least try to control and I am going to work on that. Even if I help myself and my family a little bit, I have made a step in the right direction and some progress is better than none at all. 

Expenses are just out of this world and I have made a list of things that we use that could be replaced with cheaper items or just eliminate them from our shelf completely. Bulk purchases are the best way to save dollars, but you might not need that much of something. Find someone who does and purchase together. Take advantage of a bulk price and split the cost with someone. It is a small step, but yet it is something you have control of. I can have a lttle control over my health just by making sure I get enough sleep. Go to bed early enough and turn off the television 30 minutes before you do to clear your mind of the news, or the last minute shot that could have won the game for your team but didn't. 

Start your day in God's Word and prayer and end it the same way. In many ways prayer is the one thing you can do to impact something that seems to be out of your realm of control. Let God handle the things out of your control.

Times are tough, but sometimes just doing the little things in a positive way makes one feel a little better. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2022

It Doesn't Have To Be Worse 11/8/2022

 Good Morning,

My day began with a hot cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee and prayer. On this day in America we are holding our elections and I have prayed that God's will be done in this process and for safety for all of those going out to vote. My wife Rene and I did our duty, but we voted early. As I get older I am less tolerant of standing in line.

James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 

I have been talking with others about some of the problems people encounter in life. Some troubles that beset us are from our own doing. Mistakes in judgement, or behavior are usually something we own and aren't the fault of someone else. Either way if we own the situation or we don't we can always make it worse by acting on it too soon, or too late. When placed in a difficult situation we tend to want to get out of it asap. We forget that it was our own guidance to folly that got us there to begin with. But yet we devise plans to fix things and go ahead with the plans and make things worse. For instance, if a confrontation was had between you and someone else, smothering them with apologies can become over compensating, especially if the other party hasn't cooled off yet.

We might just make things worse. Before rectifying an issue, seek God out for the answer. It only takes minutes to pray. Now, waitng for the answer is another story. We are impatient people who desire results immediately. Wait on the Lord and in due time His answer and directions come. 

Now here is the thought for the day. Things can't become worse if they didn't happen.  We all have weak spots in our character. No one knows your weak spots better than you do. For instance if anger and rage are two of our weak spots you can bet Satan will not tempt you with a plate of Cocaine to make your life miserable. No, not at all. He will allow things or people to come along and push all of your buttons to have you fail. He goes right where he knows you are weak.

Acknowledge your weak areas and guard them. Pray against attacks on your weak areas. Have a Bible verse or two memorized that will stop you, soothe you and assist you in your battle.

The best way to not make things worse is to never let them happen to begin with. 


Monday, November 7, 2022

Now The Light Can Shine In. 11/7/2022

 Good Morning,

I am awake and still adjusting to the time being out of synch with my body. It is time to taste the Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and then get serious about going to work. 

Psalm 18:28 For it is you who light my lamp. The Lord my God lightens my darkness. 

We had some heavy wind and rain come through our area on Saturday. The tree in front of our home is always slow to lose it's leaves in the fall. But the storm accelerated that process in a big way. Most all of the leaves are off of the tree now. 

The leaves being gone had a nice impact on our home. I didn't realize how much light the leaves block from the street light on the road in front of our home. This morning and yesterday morning I actually was able to walk downstairs without turning on the lights. It is like having a night light in the kitchen and it is free. 

I thought about this a little bit yesterday. The tree does block some useful lighting and now that the leaves are gone we can benefit from the extra light. Of course once the tree buds out in the spring the light will be blocked again, but the tree will then be providing shade for our home during the afternoons. 

I guess you could say that the tree is in synch with our needs. I see God in the seasons we enjoy in our part of the world. 

I tried walking those same stairs without the help of the added light a few times and it was not a feeling of security I enjoyed. Since I now have the city firnished night light, I see the folly of walking the stairs without light.  Once the leaves come back I vow to walk those stairs with some ligghts turned on. 

Life is the same way. We can choose to walk in the light of God or we can travel though life in the dark that satan provides. A dark path always has stumbling risks. A path that is well illuminated has less chance for us us to stumble. 

Food for thought,


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Changing The Time On The Clocks11/6/2022

 Good Morning,

My mug is filled with Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and I am ready to write. 

Last night we were supposed to turn our clocks back an hour to abide with Daylight Savings Time. This  has always been my wife's job ever since we were first married. She reminds me that the smoke detectors and fire alarms need to be checked at this time of year also.Well guess who remembered to check the smoke and fire equipment? I completed my chore. (We relpaced them not long ago) Guess who forgot to set back the clocks? Guess who is writing to you an hour earlier than planned?

Ephesians 4;32 Be kind and tender hearted to one another, forgiving one another just as in Christ, God forgave you. 

So to be perfectly clear here. I didn't throw my wife Rene under the bus this morning. I have reset most of our clocks already while she sleeps. The other half can wait so she can fulfill her chore. 

My point for today is this. That little mistake is not worth going to war over. It was a mistake that I am sure other people will experience today. No harm was done except to lose some sleep. I have lost more sleep just watching some reume television show that I deemed more important than resting my body. 

I have found that overlooking the small things and not making a big deal out of them makes it easier to navigate through bigger mistakes. Admitting were are human and not perfect, can make it easier to extend a little grace, when somone messes up. 

I look at it this way. I was able to drink a cup of some delicious coffee an hour earlier. I wasn't late for anything. So I chaulk it up as being food for thought,

Anyone else forget to reset the clocks?


Saturday, November 5, 2022

Turn The World Around The Other Way 11/5/2022

 Good Morning,

My mug was just filled with hot Door County Blueberry Coffee and breakfast is not needed this morning. We had a family gathering last night and I am still fillled with pizza. It is time to write.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. 

I am sure we have all experienced that moment when we do something and it sets the wheels of calamity in motion. The action happened in seconds and the results last a life time. It could just be one word unfittly spoken that changes the course of the day, month, year or a lifetime. I myself have made those mistakes. I immediately wish that I could respin the world, turn it aroumd the other way and back up so I could have a replay of that moment and of course do it differently. Making the world go away by hiding under your bed sheets just isn't feasible or probable. It is still there when you peek out from under the covers. 

The best thing to do when you need a replay or a recovery is to stop long enough to let your mistake sink in. Pray immediately for God to direct your next steps. If your next steps are to seek advice from someone qualified to give you advice, do so. Then stay on the prescribed course. It is natural for us to want things smoothed over in just as rapid of a way as they happened. But sometimes the right course will cause us to wait and that is the hardest thing to do. But a rash decision may have you in hot water. Making a rash decision on the solution just might add fuel to the fire. 

I have a freind or two in this predicament right now and I can sympathise with them on many levels. The advice for today is this. Ask God to help you move ahead in His time and under His directions. One failure does not need to lead to the next one.

Be blessed.


Friday, November 4, 2022

Going To Church? Going To A Dump? 11/4/2022

 Good Morning,

An aroma is coming from the kitchen as I write this morning. I am looking forward to that first cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee and then possibly a second one.

Mark 11:25 And whenever you stand praying, forgive if you have anything against anyone. so that your Father who is also in heaven, may forgive you your trespasses. 

I had a yard full of fallen leaves that were stairing me in the face all week.  Yesterday I tackled the chore of raking the yard and before I knew it I had several bags full of waste that will go to the dump on Saturday. I always enjoy going to the town dump. It seems as if getting rid of some things always feels like progress to me. Our town dump is well organized and they have all kinds of rules you need to follow. Sometimes it seems like it is just too hard to get rid of things.

In contrast, but relative to my point is the next statement. Have you ever considered your church to be a dump? We belong to a beautiful church and I am proud of what goes on there and what it stands for. But I believe that a church should act as a personal dump for all of us. 

In December I will be speaking on the elements of enjoying and celebrating Christmas. I will talk about forgiving others and how carrying a grudge is a sin. It is best to get the weight of that grudge off of your heart so you can celebrate Christmas and love others better. I am praying that the message I will be delivering hits hearts that need to forgive someone. I am hoping that the grudge is left in the church and does not go home to fester and soil the heart that holds on to it. I would love to see people leave early, even while I am speaking. I would love to see them go and seek those they should forgive or ask to be forgiven. Just dump those ugly feelings right there in the church. Can you imagine a church elder asking people to leave the service early to make amends with others and dumping that load right in the church, where the Holy Spirit will sweep it away freeing both parties from the pain of a grudge? Use the church and the service as a dump, act immediately on forgiving others. No one will mind!

Have a great day. 


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Leave Them Better Than When You Found Them. 11/3/2022

 Good Morning,

The sun will be coming up soon and from every indication it should be pleasant weather where we live. I salute the sunrise with a hot cup of Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee. It is time to write.

Colossians 3:12 Put on then, as God's people holy and beloved, compassionate hearts. kindness, humility, meekness and patience. 

I recall writing about the fact that during the height of the covid epidemic and when masks were pretty much mandatory attire that what I missed were seeing smiles. Of course many of you chastised me a little and said "you can see smiles in peoples eyes." This is true and maybe the benefit of having to wear masks was that we made more eye contact than before, but that is just being picky.

I work part time in health care and masks are pretty much mandatory in  patient areas, but in certain situations the rule is being relaxed now. This rant is not about the politics of wearing masks, or the benefits or the necessity. We now in many instances have the freedom to let our smiles show and to greet folks with pleasantries and accompany it with a welcoming facial expression that can actually be seen. 

I fully understand that some will say that there is not much to smile about these days. Wars, rumors of wars, inflation, politics with mean rhetoric and overall public safety are definitely some factors that would make a person forlorn, grumpy, feeling helpless and hopeless. I purchased some eggs yesterday and the cost of a dozen eggs floored me. I wasn't smiling!

But the sun will be up soon and I will be interacting with some of society today and despite the world calamity going on each person I meet is a human going through the same things I am and might have it worse. I believe I owe it to those in my pathway to be as pleasant as possible and to greet them with a smile and something said that was nice. The goal should be to "Leave them better than how you found them." 

It's up to you as to how you improve your day and the day of others. It all starts with being grateful for just having another day to be able to "Leave someone better than when you found them" . That someone includes you!


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Hearing Is Believing 11/2/2022

 Good Morning,

The aroma of some Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee coming from the kitchen was one great feeling this morning. Always happy to wake up to something that smells so good. 

Ezekiel 36:26 And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh. 

Last night at our Men's Bible Study we took some time  to have each guy talk about when they realized that they needed a relationship with God. What led them to making Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior? What was going on in their lives at the time? I can't remember enjoying a time in Bible study as much as I enjoyed hearing those short testimonies of faith. 

Note, there were some similarities in the stories of faith but not all that similar. Each man had his own individual "Come To Jesus Moment" to tell about. As I sat and listened  to the "miracle moments" I could not help but to have my own faith strengthened by hearing the work of God in each mans life. Each man was open and honest about the time, place and circumstances with their story. 

At a time when the world is practically upside down, to hear that God worked and is still working in the hearts and lives of men was soothing to the soul and served as a reminder that God is alive and in control.

So today if you are a believer in God through Jesus Christ, go back into your memory vault and recall that moment when you realized God was knocking on the door of your heart and you answered. It will help to restore or revive any man's or woman's faith to do so. Be willing to tell others about that time and place. Your story is yours and it is there to share. It is a moment in time that will live on eternally. You own it and it just might be what someone else needs to hear.

God bless.


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

I'm Gonna Miss That Guy 11/1/2022

 Good Morning,

The old Door County Autumn Spice Coffee is sitting very well with me today. The house has a chill in it and the coffee is warming me up and is soothing to my spirit as well.

Revelation 21:4 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. 

Yesterday our dear next door neighbor Eddie left this world and went to be with Jesus. Eddie suffered for a long time from his battle with ALS. He was a fighter all the way through this ordeal. Now here is what I can tell you about him. When Eddie and his wife Donna moved in next door I saw him in the driveway and went over to introduce myself. Pleasantries were exchanged as would be customary and as neighbors should do. The next day however I was able to share a cup of coffee with Eddie early in the morning as we talked in his garage. It was just a few minutes into the conversation when Eddie told me about his love for Jesus Christ and of him finding God a few years back. The garage conversations took place quite often and we talked about anything and everything under the sun. 

One day a few years ago I noticed that Eddie just looked different and that something wasn't right. It was then that we learned of his diagnosis of ALS. Eddie and Donna did everything the doctors told them to do and hope always sprung eternal with them. Eddie would try to attend Men's Bible study with me for as long as he could and now and then we we would get him to church for the Saturday night service. He loved going to church when he could.

Here is the last thing I want to tell you today. In all the visits we had over the years, and the pain Eddie was enduring, he worked from home long after many would have quit. He always had a smile for everyone when they greeted him. Most of all he never whined about his condition and the immense pain. He suffered with dignity and he never asked for anything except for me to cook him up some goose to eat. But what I will remember most about him was his desire to share his faith with me one early morning when we first met. Is your faith the first thing people learn about you? It should be. I believe it was his faith that helped Eddie to suffer in dignity and offer kind words to others even in his painful setting. I am gonna miss that guy and I look forward to seeing him again in heaven. Our sympathy is extended to Donna and his family. They are in our prayers. 

God bless,
