Friday, September 4, 2020

Sitting In The Dark 9/4/2020

Good Morning.

I just finished a large cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee and now it is time to write.

This morning finds me hunting with friends for geese and from the look of it I don't believe we are going to be successful. I haven't even heard a goose honking is the distance. I don't want  to discourage my friends, but I truly believe the full moon had the geese feeding all night and they aren't going to move to fields until tonight.

Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to our Father who is in secret. and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

But as I sat in the dark this morning waiting on the sun to rise and listened to the typical hunting banter and added some of my own nonsense to the discussions. I did find it easy to pray while sitting there in the dark and the quiet. It felt good to be outside and to be with friends. 

As I prayed silently I poured out my heart to the Lord, It was an honest and open time where I shared my concerns, hurts and questions. It felt good to get a few things off of my chest and I walked away at peace.

I have hunted in this place many times before but today it wasn't the hunt I needed as much as the quiet time with the Lord. 

Friends it's Friday and many of us have the weekend on our minds. Make sure to carve out the proper amount of time to spend with God and take as much as you need. You will walk away feeling better about yourself and about God.


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