Sunday, September 6, 2020

Just The Opposite Of What We Do 9/6/2020

Good Morning,

I am running late again today for some reason. I needed some time to pray and make sure my heart was in the right place before I begin to write. I sure needed that cup of Door County Caramel Apple Pie Coffee this morning.

I am an active member on Facebook and I have watched it deteriorate slowly and as of late, rapidly. I won't take a shot at the leadership of the Social Media Giant today. I have watched the pages become nastier and nastier over the last year. People spewing hatred in the name of love. We are a confused people. Put an opinion out there and even who you consider to be good friends will attack you in the name of their cause or opinion.

I will admit to owning a short temper and have found myself wanting to blow up and unleash my acid tongue on what I consider to be statements of attack on my beliefs, ideals and my positions on life. I have had to refrain from  cataloging them in my mind as something not very nice.

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuling, correcting, and training in righteous.

I am a Bible believing man in that I believe the Bible to be the Inspired Written Word of God. So to react to every attack with a verbal nuclear barrage or to catalog people would be entirely wrong. I struggle with that temper of mine and need to keep it in check.

The Bible clearly states as to how we are to react when we are insulted and attacked.

1 Peter 3:9  Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary repay evil with a blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 

This is so contrary to what we actually do.  If someone disagrees with you is it your job to prosecute their intent, pretend to know their heart, scold them because it does not align with what you believe?

I also believe that your heart condition is between you and God and we will all be judged for the good and bad in our lives by Him and Him alone.

So today I won't necessarily refrain from speaking my mind, but instead when attacked or offended I will ask God to show mw if there is any wicked way in me through prayer. I won't ask God to examine the heart of my attacker, but I will pray for them to be blessed as God sees fit.

God's will be done on Earth as it is in heaven


1 comment:

  1. Marty, you may have been running late but you are right as rain. It has taken me a long time but I have finally realized that I need to pray for those who attack our beliefs and our country. They just don't know, they are no different then I was before Christ found me.
