Good Morning,
Door County Caramel Apple Coffee is steaming in my cup. I have a lot of driving to do today and my day began earlier than usual. It is time to write.
After a very nice weekend I will admit that I have a little bit of the Monday Morning Blues. I thought about this last night and did a small search for the perfect Monday morning Bible verse. Here is what I came up with.
Isaiah 33:2 O Lord have pity on us, for you we wait. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of trouble.
Monday starts the week off and I think I will turn this passage in Scripture into a prayer. "Lord, let me wait on you this week. Have pity on me as evil might try to snare me. I know You will be there if I need to run to you." Amen
I think I might adopt this method of starting the week with praying a Bible verse. I hope and pray that all of you will have a great week. Let God smile upon you. Make sure to get into that Word and pray through the week..Be careful out there!
God bless,
Marty, be careful out there, and as one of our prayer warriors prayed as they were on the road, "Father l pray that You protect my brother Marty from those on the road who may be distracted or otherwise careless, I pray in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ