Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Just Admit It. Mom Was Right 9/29/2020

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Autumn Spice Coffee as I write this morning. Coffee, prayer and some honey and apples makes this guy a happy man. 

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. 

Yesterday as I headed out very early in the morning I remembered a lesson my mother taught me when I first started driving. She told me that as good as my first hot rod/jalopy of a car was that as it got colder outside it would be wise to always keep a jacket, hat, and gloves in the car. She said "winter shows no mercy to a fool". I never forgot that lesson. As I stepped into my Jeep yesterday, Mothers words were ringing in my ears. There was a distinct nip in the air. I actually went back into the house, grabbed a hat and coat to store in the vehicle. I already knew that there were gloves in the back, stored away. Next week I will add a shovel and hand warmers like my Dad instructed me to have in the cars or truck.

Over the years I have needed that coat and hat because something went wrong with the car or I stopped to help someone stranded on the road. 

The point of the day. What are you going to leave your children as far as a dose of wisdom? Make sure to share "Common Sense" facts and ideas with them. It is your duty to do so. Who knows if I would still have 10 fingers if my mother hadn't told me to pack some gloves. 

If you love those kids, teach them common sense.


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