Sunday, September 20, 2020

Putting Some Good Back In. 9/20/2020

Good Morning,

It is Sunday morning and I have some extra time to write. My desk feels more comfortable than it has felt in a long time. It is good to be sitting here with our two dogs on my feet and a cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee steaming next to me. 

Matthew 18:20 For where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them.

Last night after our Saturday Evening Service we tried getting back to normal a little. We are a church of prayer and worship. But we also appreciate fun and fellowship. So for the longest time because of Covid our Saturday night group either joined the Sunday service on the internet or had nothing. Then as things progressed we returned to church in person and our attendance on Saturday nights came back at 80% to 100% of the pre covid numbers. 

No one had any complaints about how we spread out the seating and off we went,back to corporate worship.  But something was missing. It was the fun and fellowship. So yesterday we decided  to put some fun back into the night. We had a simple fellowship of chili and potato soup with some pie for dessert. We sat outside in the parking lot of the church and tailgated. It wasn't anything fancy. It was done safely and correct. IT WAS GOOD. We put something good back into our Saturdays. Smiles and conversation were had instead of everyone gathering and scattering which has become the norm. People have endured some nightmares alone because of covid. They were hungry for fellowship. God allowed us to put some more good into the day.

I am praying about the next fellowship time and what we can plan and conduct within the safety parameters which makes everyone comfortable.

I am sure a few people had to take an antacid after downing a few bowls of chile, but as I left the church grounds I looked up and said Thank You Lord, this made my great day even better. As soon as you can safely put some good back into your routine, do so. 



  1. Marty, I do want to thank you for chilly and the potato soup,but yes most of all for the fellowship after a praise and worship service.
    You are loved ❤️

    1. I enjoyed it too. It was much needed. You two are loved also.
