Saturday, September 19, 2020

Diabetes, Lost In The Causes 9/19/2020

 Good Morning,

Wow, what a change in temperatures we had this morning. Just a little cooler and I would be seeing my first frost of the year.  I am grateful for this hot cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee sitting next to me right now. Time to write.

A little later this morning will find me at the local shooting range shooting sporting clays for a cause. With all the political turmoil around the world and the covid nightmare going on other causes have been lost in the ruckus.Everything seems to be taking a back seat to politics or covid.  Today the cause which is one close to my heart is Diabetes. My wife and our nephew both have Type 1 Diabetes and take insulin to survive daily. So today with them in mind I will partake in this fundraiser. 

Philippians 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but to the interests of others. 

I am doing this today because I love them both and pray for a cure to be found. One that would free them from the daily injections and dangers of having blood sugar that is too high or too low. 

My point is this. There are many causes that one could support. I am sure you have your own special ones. I support quite a few. I am pro life and I do what I can to assist in stopping the loss of babies. Each cause might be closer to one's heart than it is to another person's heart. But many of them have been sidelined due to politics and the fight for an office or the covid 19 debacle.

Friends, life goes on and we lose people to diabetes, cancer, drunk drivers, murder, suicide, drug overdoses, and the list goes on and on. Yet our energy is spent on arguing about masks, vaccines, tax or no tax, football or no football, Democrat or Republican and we don't see the others that are hurting in front of us. 

So today for a couple hours I am choosing to forget what has been clogging my mind lately and enjoy the outdoors while supporting a cause of my choice, not the ones that have been rammed down my throat lately. 

I need a break from the mud slinging and the upset stomach that the world has to offer. Today I will support a cause important to me and others. 

Find something to do today that takes you to a place in your heart that is different for just awhile. Then you can say you supported healthy hearts. YOUR OWN. And you helped others along the way.


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