Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Unselfish Thoughts 12/11/2019

Good Morning,

May the Coffee in your cup be hot and your breakfast one filled with good things. I just poured a cup of Door County Spicy Nutcracker Coffee and now it is time to write.

On Tuesday nights I lead a Men's Bible study at our church. The men gathered there range in age from 18 to 84 and I would call these men "a great bunch of guys". I use the word lead instead of teach. The Bible studies are usually a format type that has the men studying at home and then we get together and discuss what they read during the week. 

Philippians 2:3  Do nothing from selfish ambition, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 

After the study is completed we take time to solicit prayer requests and then pray over the requests. Here is what I noticed throughout my time leading this study which adds up to a lot of years. Men hardly ever request prayer for themselves and if they do it is usually for a very serious matter. The amazing thing is that they never hesitate to request prayer for anything that involves their wife if they are married. If something is not right with the wife or if the wife is facing anything of consequence the men will raise their hand and state the request. I am seated in a position where I can see all of their faces. I can see that they are dead serious when it comes to anything that involves pain. suffering, or anxiety in the life of their spouse. This state of seriousness is also extended to the rest of their families. If by chance they are requesting prayer for both the wife and themselves, the wife is always mentioned first even if the request is one regarding their own health. This group of men always puts others first.  Most of the time when facing illness or injury someone else in the group will just pray for the man needing the prayer. The one needing the prayer prays for others and usually doesn't mention that he needs some prayer.  The men use most of our prayer time for others and I don't believe it will ever change. I am proud to hang around with men like these. Last night as we prayed and one man requested prayer for a health issue his wife is experiencing. I could see the love he has for his wife right in his eyes as he sought prayer for her.

I mentioned earlier this month that I would be watching for people who capture the "Essence Of Christmas". I believe these men have it captured and they live Christmas all year long by placing others first. So today I will pray for each one of those men and smile knowing that some of them prayed for me today! Friends, Christmas is putting others first in line before us.

God bless,
