Saturday, December 14, 2019

Refreshed Hearts And A Full Plate 12/14/2019

Good Morning,

I write today praying for peace and happiness to be part of your day. The weather outside is damp and chilly here. But here inside our home the morning fire has warmed the house and our two dogs are camped out next to it basking in the glow of the embers. I just filled my mug with Door County Candy Cane Coffee and now it is time to write.

Philemon 1:7   Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people. 

In today's world it doesn't take too much to get overloaded with grief, anxiety and worries. Add a little depression to that and you have the recipe for a "heavy heart". Just watch the nightly news, either national, world or the local news and see how much of it is uplifting and joyful? Last week I was shocked to hear and see that a volcano had erupted in New Zealand. The area is a popular tourist attraction and I am sure that it has plenty of warnings stating, "observe and travel at your own risk." There was a significant eruption and volcanic magma, ash and rock exploded causing severe injuries to many as well as loss of life to quite a few people. My heart breaks for those families who lost loved ones in this incident. Those who were burned and survived have a long road ahead of them.  My prayers are with them. The incident although many miles away had an impact on me. Add some of the local news with racist gun battles taking place and it doesn't take long to dampen a mood.

Friends we hear of all of this and then we also have our own personal tragedies going on. Our plate of despair can become overloaded quickly and rob us of being able to see the good. We at times just can't stomach any more bad news.

For a moment I would like you to picture a fire extinguisher and then in your mind imagine a small fire in your home. You run for the fire extinguisher knowing that it can put out the fire. Now in order to use the extinguisher you have to break the seal by pulling the pin. Without pulling the pin the extinguisher cannot be used. It won't discharge the chemical needed to suffocate the fire.

Here is my point. The fires and smoke of life smolder within our hearts and weigh us down from being able to enjoy life. We all know someone who could use some encouragement or just a kind word or two. Friends you might just be the fire extinguisher they need. But until you pull the pin and take action you are just an extinguisher ready for use, but never used.

I believe the "Essence Of Christmas" which should last all year long compels us to be a fireman to the hearts around us.  What do you say? Can you encourage someone today and remove at least a little load from their plate of brokenness and despair? It is better to give than receive.

God bless,


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