Friday, December 13, 2019

Life In The Slow Lane 12/13/2019

Good Morning,

I just sat down to a hot cup of Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee and now it is time to write.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect.

I learned a long time ago that a citation for speeding is expensive and can hurt your wallet for many years. Unfortunately I had to be taught the lesson repeatedly until it sunk in. So for many years I have used the speed control in my car or truck and observe the speed limits.

Now we all know the practice of following the speed limits has me traveling in the "slow lane". Heaven forbid that I am traveling on a two lane road. The practice of abiding by the law really upsets other drivers and I often get glared at and saluted with a fist or one finger as they pass me. I always try and give opportunity for those traveling faster to pass me. On a three lane highway I will drive in the right lane for slower traffic. I do not tend to go too slow. I set my speed control for the limit and I am content.

I will admit that when I forget to set the speed control I get caught up in the speed of traffic and before I know it I am traveling as fast as everyone else. It doesn't take too long before I have conformed to the habits of those breaking the speed limits. I am not writing to judge anyone. Maybe they have more money than I do and can afford speeding tickets. Maybe their speed is justified because they are headed to an emergency. It is not for me to judge and this is not about judging.

I write today to warn all of us that it is so easy to fall to peer pressure and end up on the wrong end of trouble. I have no problem with people having an drink containing alcohol. But there are legal limits for alcohol within the blood system of a person. If someone exceeds the limits and gets behind the wheel of a car they become a lethal hazard. It is easy to be at a holiday party and be coaxed into "one more". Then the person with the perfect driving record who 99% of the time is law abiding decides to drive home. A flat tire occurs and they pull over to the side of the road and all seems well until the deputy sheriff comes to assist and smells the alcohol laden breath. Oops there goes a lot of money, your self respect, and a lesson you hopefully won't forget.

The Christmas season is full of peer pressure and sometimes it comes from within our families. There is a tendency to over spend on Christmas presents because we have never taught ourselves or our families what a budget is for. Our desire to keep up with others  and spend what we don't have is another form of peer pressure that is all too often "self applied". Honesty and transparency with the budget is best so as to avoid the pain of credit card high interest rates.

So many people look at me and classify me as "The slow lane man and old school". I tried the fast lane and all it did for me was to get me into trouble faster. So as for me and my house I will travel in the slow lane of life, wear a warm hat, drink my coffee black, love my family and do my best to serve the Lord every day.   My advice today, is to be safe, be wise, and enjoy Christmas as it was meant to be.


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