Thursday, January 14, 2016

Cold Weather And Coats 1/14/2016

Good Morning,

This day is starting out with a bowl of oatmeal, a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee, and a prayer for a friend who is fighting a very sore leg. Then I start the Old Ford Truck and head to work.

We have been right in the middle of a very cold weather front that has brought to us some below zero temperatures, a little snow, and bitterly cold winds.
As I was driving to work yesterday, I started counting my blessings. I was in a warm truck. There was a time in our marriage that one of our vehicles did not have heat and the winter was colder and longer than this one. We did not have the money to repair the truck at that time. So I just about froze a couple of times while driving to work. That was a time I think about very often on cold days.
Next I looked at my coat and was thankful for a very warm coat, hat and gloves.

I started to think about people who might be homeless, or not able to afford a warm coat. It was then that I heard about how the Milwaukee Police department had been collecting coats for those in need. I heard about people who were taking blankets to warm up shelters. Earlier this year Rene donated hats and mittens for those in need. The daily news is full of violence, crime and at sometimes just plain nonsense. But yesterday it seemed as if there was good news about those who were willing to help others. I arrived at work to find a bag of baby clothes that was donated and left for me to take to a crisis pregnancy center.  The baby clothes are used to assist those who need help in raising their child, who they decided to keep.

A lady from our church called me to ask how she could donate food to the needy. We had a plan figured out in no time flat! That is more of my passion. Our church has a functioning food pantry that three teen girls started many years ago. I can't help but think about those three when I place some food into the collection box. Those were three good kids.

So my last thought of gratitude was for those people who care and take action to help. It restored my faith in humanity to hear those stories.

Luke 3:11New International Version (NIV)
11 John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same."

For me personally, I do like the winter season best! I like wearing warm clothes, hot fires in the fireplace, and spicy tea at night. I must admit though, that the stories I heard and the kindness I witnessed warmed my heart more than my coat, sweaters or wool scarf.

Have a great day with a warm heart.


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