Sunday, September 20, 2015

Razor Sharp! And A Badge Of Shame. 9/20/2015

Good Morning,

Watching the sun come up is always a treat for me. As I sit in the den and watch it rise, my thoughts go to a certain lake and how nice it would be if I were setting my duck decoys and seeing this. A couple more weeks to go! I know for sure that my thermos would be filled with what I am drinking right now. A hot serving of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee would definitely be in that boat.

Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.r And the peace of God,s which transcends all understanding,t will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Yesterday I my small project was to lay carpeting in the bed of my new to me truck. I purchased some carpet, some glue, some tape and a new razor knife. I took plenty of time laying it out with the precision of a neurosurgeon. I double checked the measurements, cleaned the back of the truck so the glue would stick. All was in order. Our dog Gibbs was sitting next to the truck keenly watching this project unfold. Neighbors went by, for their daily walk asking me what I was doing and I explained the need for some cushion in the back of the truck for when my old knees had to go in there.  What could have gone wrong with this scenario? I looked at the clock and knew I wanted to get this done by the end of my day and get to church for our Saturday evening service. Then it would be off to dinner with Rene and a nice evening at a great steak house.

So I began to slowly cut the carpeting right down  the lines that I drew on to the carpet. This was drawn so well that any architect would have been proud. My new double edged carpet knife was slicing through the carpeting like it was butter. Now Gibbs decided to come closer and watch this production masterpiece. I scolded him and told him to back off a little. I do not need a retriever with a cut in his foot just before hunting season. So far OSHA would have been proud. Each time I needed to reposition the carpet I closed the sharp carpet knife so I would not get hurt. Each time I made a cut I would count all of my fingers and devise a way to cut so ten fingers would be there when I finished.

But that clock would not slow down for me. In repositioning the carpet for the last cut I took a short cut. Cut is not a word I like today. I left the knife uncovered. As I positioned the carpeting on a cutting board, (I was on my knees in the driveway) I supported myself with my left hand. You might have guessed it. I supported myself with my thumb right on the back side of a double edged implement of doom and destruction. The blood began to flow. The dog deserted me for the house as I grabbed a rag and covered the wound. It is not a large wound but it did go to the bone. I did admire my straight cut though! Rene proceeded to get the first aid kit and then we struggled with the thoughts of going for a doctor to stich it up or do the home remedy route. Thoughts of trying to sew it myself went through my Rambo type mind, but not for long. We eventually stopped the bleeding and after one trip to Walgreens at the Corner of Happy and Healthy we had a bandage that any first year medical student would have been proud of.  That happy and healthy statement still seems odd. I wasn't happy and I wasn't healthy. I was disappointed that I would not finish the project on my schedule. I then looked at my 35 year old garage clock and realized that it was time to change the battery. My clock was way off and had me an hour ahead,. It must have been keeping the time of yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was able to finish my project, go to church and explain my stupidity to my friends as they asked, "what did you do to your thumb?"

It is sore this morning and will be for a few more days. But not as sore as my conscience. The project was laid out well, quality parts and tools were used, but the fool behind the design and the knife forgot the most important part. I did not pray before starting this adventure of doom! Nothing should be done without prayer. Our driveway looks like a crime scene and every time I look at my thumb or bump it, my bandage of shame reminds me of my foolishness.

So I will be fine, the dog is not stressed, but once again I learned a lesson the hard way!

Don't do as I do, do what I say! Pray in all things.


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