Saturday, September 19, 2015

I Want To Go With You 9/19/2015

Good Morning,

This fine day started with a prayer for a few people struggling with illness today. These three are on my mind a lot. Then my cup was filled with hot Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee and now it is steaming next to me as I write.

Ruth 1:16-17New King James Version (NKJV)
16 But Ruth said:
“Entreat me not to leave you,
Or to turn back from following after you;
For wherever you go, I will go;
And wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people,
And your God, my God.
17 Where you die, I will die,
And there will I be buried.
The Lord do so to me, and more also,
If anything but death parts you and me.”
Rene and I have a wedding anniversary coming up next week. So I guess I will be a little nostalgic today as I think about our last 1000  years together. Ruth 1:16:17 was the Scripture we chose to be read at our wedding. I read many Bible verses throughout my days, but I often find myself going back to this set. Rene has a way of reminding me of these verses without even knowing she is doing so. We have a good life together with many blessings bestowed on us. I would say that we are content. We really don't go on lavish vacations, will never climb a mountain, sky diving is out of the question, and a trip to see the Titanic is really only a dream. But we do have hardware stores and I have projects to do from time to time. We do attend and serve in our church and look forward to visiting the family. We watch football games together, workout at the gym, plant gardens and enjoy dining out as the budget permits. One more trip to the hardware store and peanut butter and jelly better be on the menu somewhere.
Getting back to the hardware stores. I try to plan my projects out so that I have a minimum amount of trips to the local emporium of confusion. But as with every project I usually make at least two trips. Our grandson would disagree and claim that it is four to five trips. He believes that I just like going to the hardware/builders supply. He might be right.
When I am planning my main run I will stop what I am doing and make a list in my mind. That could be why I need more than one trip! My mind is a waste dump of human internet spam and gets cluttered with too many thoughts at one time. One day I will clean the hard drive of my mind and get organized. Now where was I going with this thought? Oh! As I am getting ready to leave I will announce that I am leaving on a journey of confusion and hope and start looking for the check book. Yes we still write checks. Rene brings it to me because it was where it always is and I just can't get that straight after a 1000 years. I then ask, "do you want to come along"?  She finds my wandering through the supply chain humorous with my tickertape mind clicking away and I really believe she is there to help keep the expenses in check. But she also knows that there will be a stop on the way home for a scoop of custard.  She told me a long time ago, "I just want to go with you. I just like stopping what I am doing to talk and spend time doing what you like." She tried hunting with me and well, that just isn't for her.
Just knowing that she will go along on the most trivial of duties and spend time with me reminds me of the verses above. 
So here's my lesson to be taught to families. Just invite, the spouse, the kids, the grand kids, parents, brothers, sisters grandparents nieces or nephews to be part of what you do. Don't leave them sitting alone. You are you, and wonderfully made. Share your life with others. Rene always invites me along to antique shop and I go to see her pour through old stuff and wait for that smile that tells me she is ready for some custard. I want to go with her.
Especially pay attention to this with your spouses. They married you, not the expensive and lavish trips. They married you because they want to spend time with you. Make every day count.
God bless,

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