Monday, September 14, 2015

First Frost 9/14/15

Good Morning,

I apologize for not writing in two days. I took some rest and relaxation time and visited my Dad in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. My mug is filled with Door County Caramel Apple Coffee. I drove past an apple orchard yesterday that is pretty close to home. I saw the sign that indicated  they are once again making apple cider donuts. This could be a great week.

Job 37:10King James Version (KJV)
10 By the breath of God frost is given: and the breadth of the waters is straitened.

I was pretty far North in my travels this weekend but I was blessed to encounter my first sight of frost for the year. There is just something about seeing the meadows, woods and swamps painted by the breath of God with frost. I took a long walk Saturday morning taking it all in and enjoying the peace and quiet. I could see my breath and my fleece jacket felt good. My dog flushed a couple of grouse, but we weren't hunting, just walking in the cool morning. I was the first one to walk the frosted trail to the lake, so I thought. But then I realized that God had been there before me and painted that beautiful scene.

It wasn't a hard frost or very extensive, but it was the first one of my year. Much was prayed about, advice was sought, thanks was given and I left there better for having seen the beauty of a sunrise and the miracle of another changing season.

Have a great day!


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