Sunday, August 17, 2014

When Coffee Tastes The Best 8/17/2014

Good Morning,

May you bless someone today with just being there. You are God's child and He knows just what you are doing, thinking, and where you are. You can be a gift to someone on this Sunday morning. You are a gift to me.

My coffee mug is full of Door County German Chocolate Cake coffee. I am sitting outside on our patio and the day is cloudy, damp and very cool, especially for August. The breeze is cool enough that a long sleeved shirt is a good idea. Our dog Gibbs is out here with me chasing birds from time to time. He then returns and sits next to me waiting for another race in futility.

When I am outside I seem to be more content. Most of my days are spent inside working in a hospital. I work long hours and getting "down time" outside is not always possible. The weather in Wisconsin will soon be cold and I will get a little more time because of hunting season. I am watching some geese fly over right now. Their distinctive honking gave them away. Gibbs just looked at me to say. "It won't be long now until we are in the boat and you will be calling them into our decoys."

The Sky Points to God’s Glory

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” (Psalm 19:1-4)

I noticed that it seems to me that my coffee which is always great tastes better when I am outside. To me there is nothing like having that cup outside in a boat or marsh blind with my dog and a buddy or two.
The best part of being outside came at the beginning of the blog today. I know God is with us there also. He paints the sky in a different scene everyday. He sends the rain, snow and cool breezes. I am in His chapel. No wonder the coffee tastes better. He knows where I am and shows a display of His handiwork. Today a buddy or two are absent from the equation. But this morning is just fine, with God, my dog, my coffee and me.

Have a great day. God bless,

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