Saturday, August 30, 2014

Loving Your Wife 8/30/2014

Good Morning,

Saturday has arrived and I have a little more time to write today. I am blessed to be drinking a hot cup of Door County Harvest Blend Coffee. From where I sit in the house today I can see the apple trees loaded with apples. It is time to harvest!

Although the tree branches are heavy with apples the harvest will be lighter than what you would expect. This past summer has churned up powerful storms that produced heavy hail. The leaves on the trees were not enough protection and the apples were bruised by the hail which has caused many to be bruised and really not usable now. The storms from months ago did everlasting damage. Our actions toward the opposite sex are like storms that cause everlasting damages.

I am imagining that my blog today will meet resistance by both men and women. God's word often does cause controversy. But hang in there with me and see if it doesn't push you forward or change your mind. I am old school and not really ever going to change. That's one think you can bank on. I was told not too long ago that I shouldn't open a door for a woman unless I ask her if opening the door for her would offend her. Wow! That put this old school guy through the roof!

1 Peter 3:7New King James Version (NKJV)

A Word to Husbands

Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.

This verse causes a lot of arguments. It is often misused by men who want to abuse it and have wives that run around like beaten dogs to jump or bow to their every command. Guys this is not the meaning of the verse. Then it offends women who have decided that it means exactly what these misguided men think. It also offends women who have decided that their moral duty is to emasculate men to the point that they are not needed.

Here is the point. God made man and woman. Both are different and that is by design. Both are strong. Yet men, God has given us the duty to love our wives as Jesus loved the church. This is found in the book of Ephesians.

Ephesians 5:25New King James Version (NKJV)
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,

What does this mean? Men we are to serve our wives in a way that honors her. This means at times we are to sacrifice ourselves.

Example. This could mean spending a little extra time with her doing something she likes to do instead of re-washing your Harley (motorcycle) for 3rd time in a week. This let's her know that she is important to you.

It also means not always saying what is on your mind. Are the words that are about to come out of your mouth the type that Jesus would use to build up someone?

Ladies it also means that you need to and desire to have a husband that can be a man. Opening doors and being protective is how we were designed. Quit trying to rewire us and yourselves. Men are not to be molded into being the weaker vessel.

Guys build them up. This verse which claims "the weaker vessel" often proves just how strong women are. Many a wife is strong enough and has proved it by putting up with your abuse. If most men were verbally abused and put down each day like some women are they would have quit long ago. These ladies have proven how strong they are, yet they shouldn't have to.

Men, act like men, build things. Which means that daily you should affirm your love to your wife, affirm her beauty, let her know that she is worth living, sacrificing  and dying for. Let her know that she is a blessing from God. Protect them at all times from harm.

Ladies let the men be men. Let them tip there hat, open doors, stand when you walk in, help you with a coat, give you their sweater, lead the family and protect them.   (men you have to step up and lead in the right way). If you lead in righteousness you have a family that will stand with you and let you lead. Teach respect, be firm and not weak but be not abusive.

I am expecting that some might stop reading, and some men who think women are possessions and should wear veils, not speak unless spoken to and not be able to think, would like to shoot me now. ( I shoot back) There will be some women tearing doors off the hinges proving that they don't need a man to open doors or build them up verbally or be kind. That's a sad  thing. But God's word doesn't care about what we think. His ways are higher that ours. So men unload your guns, ( I don't miss what I shoot at and ladies put the doors back on the hinge). Let men and women work together under God's design and just see how less confusing and hurtful the world will be.

Have a great day.


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