Monday, February 27, 2023

The Last Monday Of February 2023. Just A Thought. 2/27/2023

 Good Morning,

I just poured a hot mug of Door County Toffee Pretzel Coffee and I am ready to embrace this day with gusto.

We are bracing for heavy rains today. Last night the nightly news cast mentioned that it would be a good idea to clear the ice and snow away from the storm drains near our homes. They advised this practice to avoid flooding from the impending storms. I for one am all in favor of reducing risks. So I went outside and looked the situation over and the three that are close to our home were inspected. Two needed attention. After some ice chopping and some shoveling I can say that they should be able to accept the rain run off. 

Proverbs 14:14 The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways. Yet the good man will be satisfied from above.

While watching a little television last night a commercial was shown and it was advertising a medication which helps to keep your arteries clear and flowing. This is to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. 

I could not help but take these two concepts and see a message within them. Keeping the flow of rain water contained is a good thing. The sewer needs to be kept open. The arteries within our body need to stay open to have blood flow to the body. This too is a good thing. 

My thought for the day is that all too often our hearts grow to be closed off and they are no longer filled with love, obedience and joy for God. What causes this? Poor relationship maintenance!!!!!. We find that the spiritual arteries within each person are closed up due to lack of prayer time, time in the Bible and then obedience to God and His word. How can we start to have a healthier spiritual life.?

TAKE A GOSPIL! Get back into the Word of God. Pray with passion and obedience. Let these three become a routine, thus maintaining a healthy HEART. 

You will find that the music will return to your soul. Your heart will beat for others again. You will want more of what God is. You will become less and God will become more, just as it should be. 

Reduce the risk of backsliding into complacency, sin and disobedience. Live a life of spiritual gusto!

Food for thought.


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