Saturday, February 4, 2023

Leave No One To Rot 2/4/2023

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying some prayer time and while I am gathering my thoughts I am also enjoying a hot mug of Door County Caramel Latte Coffee. It is time to write. 

Matthew 24:28 Wherever there is a carcass, the vultures will gather. 

We see in the news all too often that some child, teen or an adult acts out in violence. The cause of such actions is often blamed on bullying. 

Bullying inside schools, the workplace or in social settings refers to one or more perpetrators who have greater physical strength or more social power than their victim who repeatedly act aggressively toward their victim. Bullying can be either physical or verbal. Wikipedia

I don't like to say this, but the hard truth is that until God calls the end to this world, we will always have bullies out there. Evil will have it's way until it all ends God's call. Those who bully others will receive their due punishment some day. Yet, what about us who witness bullying, but aren't necessarily the target of the crime? What is our responsibility? I once witnessed a man in a church who was going through difficult times and was always saying or doing the wrong things. He became the subject of gossip within his own church. He eventually left the church and is flourishing in a different one. The gossip cause him to over compensate for his at times awkward behavior. He needed a new start. One other man came along side of him and use his rank within the church and did set a few people straight, showing them that awkward behavior when gossiped about starts not only a rock slide but then turns into an avalanche.  

My point for the day is this. When others are bullying someone, do you need to just ignore it or do you come to the rescue? When you travel along the highways and you see a deer or a dog injured, before the life blood stops pumping there are often other animals or birds of prey circling to pounce on the body. I have stopped for these animals and rendered aid if possible or called authorities for assistance. In a few instances I have taken a dog to the vet. I have a story for tomorrow on the Labrador that went to the medical center.  

So we are never to be innocent bystanders. Because to be a bystander and do nothing makes you as guilty as the bullies. 

James 4:17 Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is a sin. 

So remember that ignoring or observing bullying without doing something about it is just as bad as being a bully. 


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