Sunday, October 30, 2022

Trick Or Treat.Not What It Used To Be.10/30/2022

 Good Morning,

I wish I could say that my Door County Autumn Spice Coffee was doing a great job of waking me up, but I guess I am just a little too tired to snap out of it quickly. 

Galatians 5:14 For the whole law is filled in one sentence. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

 Photo credit . Clip Art 

Today our city will be observing Trick Or Treat. For those who don't know what that is, I will attempt to explain. It is a tradition that takes place on Halloween where children will dress in costumes and go door to door and  the home owners give them some candy after the kids state "Trick or Treat." Some communities observe this on October 31st and the kids go out after school for their time of fun. Our community will be observing it this afternoon from 4PM until 7PM.

As a kid I participated in this tradition myself and always looked forward to it. I would have enough candy given to me to last the whole year if I did not go overboard and eat too much . I never had any safety issues to worry about and the time spent with friends in costume was most fun.

So today I will be sitting at the end of our driveway at a small table and I will be handing out the candy  to the little urchins. The kids while collecting candy from me will be off of the road and from where I sit I can see up and down our street. Not only will I be handing out candy, but I will also be watching out for the kiddos and their parents who very often accompany them. 

Although we live in a very nice community we still have to watch  out for those who might prey on the children. It is a sad sick world we live in. Parents have been instructed to go through the candy and inspect it because the 'Bad Guys" are now making Fentynal  to look like popular candies and the police are worried that some sick demented person will give some to the kids and it will be deadly for them. 

This bothers me to no end. I have to now look at the candy we purchased to see if there is anything odd about it. 

So if you observe the trick or treating or not, maybe be outside raking leaves during that time and just be an extra set of eyes out there. You can be a safe haven for those trusting children and their parents for any reason.. Be a good neighbor!


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