Wednesday, October 19, 2022

No Man Should Stand Alone 10/19/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began awhile ago for me, but I just now had time to sit down and enjoy a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee and write.

Ezekiel 22:30 And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. 

I was conversing with a young man yesterday and during our chat he asked for prayer regarding a health issue he is experiencing. I could tell he was stressed out about it and I kept him on the phone just a little longer so we could pray together. 

Let's back up just a little. He requested prayer and I said yes that I would pray. He doesn't know me well and I said that I would pray later but that I wanted to pray right now. I prayed again this morning. But last night this young fella with a wife and a satchel of young children needed to know that even with all of his faith in God he wasn't standing alone. Sometimes a guy just needs to know that someone tangible is in the battle with him. 

When I think about how Jesus was hung on a cross and his buddies who were with him for three years deserted him. I cannot imagine how lonely He had to feel. Some women were there as well as two thieves, some soldiers, some chief priests and scribes, but none of his male disciples. 

So my point for the day is one that is aimed straight at the hearts of all praying men. Guys will hardly ever admit when they are worried or worn. But when they do, stand in the gap with them. Pray with them and check on them. Some young men that I know are headed out on a hunting trip, I doubt that they will read my daily blogs while on that trip. But one thing for sure, while they are gone I will text them now and then to let them know that they and their families were prayed for right after I finish praying. 

It is important that we know why we are here guys. No man should ever stand alone during times of stress, strife or adventure. 



  1. Good word Marty- may we be sensitive to do what the Lord wants.

  2. Sorry did want to comment as anonymous

  3. It's a wonderful position to be in, having a church family that will pray with and for us.
