Thursday, October 20, 2022

God Had A Different Plan 10/20/2022

 Good Morning,

A project will start in our home today. It is one that is long overdue. It is time to start replacing the floor coverings and I am sore today from moving a refrigerator and stove last night as well as a few heavy antique cabinets. I am very content to be sitting and writing this morning. I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee as our two dogs sleep on my feet. Let's go. 

Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way.

We witnessed a small miracle yesterday and I want to write about it just to show that God is in all things and is still in control and always will be. 

Yesterday I was supposed to go to work around 1pm to perform a small project. I had loaded my truck with me gear and was just going to change clothes when I received a text message notifying me that the client could not meet at anytime yesterday. They wanted to reschedule until early November. I was a little disappointed and put out at first. 

Within three minutes the phone rang and it was the daughter of our next door neighbor. She explained that her dad was taken by ambulance to the hospital in the middle of the night and was now resting in hospice. Eddie our neighbor has been suffering from ALS for a couple years now and has done everything possible to live. The time is now running very short for him. It sorrows me to see this big guy in such pain and so helpless. My heart goes out to his wife and the rest of the family. 

Their daughter explained that Eddie wanted me to come to the hospice site. Had that client not cancelled due to being too busy at their work site, I would have not been able to jump in my truck and be with Eddie and his family. God rearranged my day and sent me in a path to sit and pray with them and read Scripture. I will never, ever believe in a coincidence that this worked out. I believe God is the Creator, Ruler and Father of us all . He can make rivers turn, babies cry out for that first breath, leaves change colors, and He can rearrange the day of an old grumpy guy like me. I never get tired of seeing Him at work. I was blessed to have Him take me along with Him yesterday. I stand in awe once more. I just needed to share that story today and I pray that when God calls on you to work with Him you can answer the call. 


1 comment:

  1. Another call to, "Be still and know I Am God"
