Monday, August 1, 2022

Splitting Wood For Winter 8/1/2022

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a great cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee as I sit down to write. It is a little bit overcast this morning but there is sunshine in my heart. 

Proverbs 6:8 Look at the ant. It has no commander, yet it stores up provisions in the summer, and has food for the winter. 

Last week I had to make a trip to our town dump and I must say the word dump does not do it justice. You might picture in your mind mounds of garbage, piles of junk and yard refuse just tossed at will. This is far from the truth of our dump. It is kept neat, clean, and organized. The staff in charge of "the dump" do a great job of making sure that getting rid of your refuse is as pleasant as that chore can be. One other benefit to the dump is that you can cut down a tree and dispose of the sticks, branches, and logs in an orderly fashion. The other benefit to that is that they allow others to take the usable firewood home for burning. We have the luxury of having a fireplace in our home that can burn wood and it also has the capabilities of distributing heat within the house. There have been plenty of cold days and nights when a fire lit in the hearth has kept us content and warm. I also save the scrap wood to burn outside for an occasional bonfire. 

Back to my trip to the dump. I already have our dried firewood cut and split for this winter. Now I have begun collecting wood and started cutting it and splitting it at a slow pace for the following winter. I try to be a year ahead in case something happens and I am unable to find wood or am not in a physical condition to cut and split the wood. So while at the dump last week in the area of free firewood there were some logs just the right size for hauling home. They need very little cutting to make them the right size for the hearth and not too much splitting is needed. It was a great day in free firewood land!

My point is this for today. We don't know what the future holds. But it is still wise to plan ahead and store up for the days to come. Who knows? One winter from now might find me unable physically to cut and split the wood. But I should have cut and split enough to be a year ahead. Thus keeping us warm and content through a cold, snowy winter.

Last night I decided to split some of the wood and pile it to dry. It gave me pleasure to do so. I counted the benefits of the wood.

1. God blessed us with free firewood.

2. It sure gave me some good exercise as I swung the axe and sledge hammer.

3. My wife remarked how much seeing me prepare to take care of our needs makes her feel safe and content. 

4. Being outside and alone at work with the two dogs watching me, afforded me some time to pray and enjoy the sunset.

The wood that was collected and cut accomplished a lot even before being burned.

Friends, plan ahead and always enjoy the fruit of your work.

God bless,


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