Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Living Large 8/9/2022

Good Morning,

I am ready to start this day. I have the opportunity to work with a new hire with the company I work for. I am looking forward to the time spent with a new "coworker". I have already had all the Door County Irish Cream Coffee I need and it is time to write. 

Matthew 5:16. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

I chose today to talk about living large. This term might cause you tot think that I am talking about a wild, spend lots of money and live as if you owned the world life. Not exactly. My thought for today is this. Picture me taking you up in a helicopter and after were were up a couple thousand feet I tossed you out of the helicopter to see what kind of splat you made upon the earth. You could say you lived large for a moment. Your impact on the world just made a splat and a mess.  

What I am advising you to do is to leave a large impact on the world around you. The circle of your influence. Be known as one who exhibits large amounts of kindness. Make an impact on the world in a positive way. Make an impact on the life of a youngster as a mentor. Leave a lasting impression of positivity and Godly faith. Put your name on a project of philanthropy and finish it to completion. 

This my friends is my definition of living large.  How do you define it? 



  1. Future Optimists of America, principal Dick Winz & wife, Maggie live large as builders after hurricanes & mentors! They are great examples!
