Thursday, August 4, 2022

If You Is Where You Was 8/4/2022

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying some Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee as I write today. Let this morning begin.

I have been in prayer most all last night and into this morning. Have you ever wondered what causes someone to repeatedly walk right back into the same sin over and over again.? I have been contemplating that question for awhile now. This especially is bothersome when you witness it in the hearts of those claiming Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Romans 10:13 Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 

Friends, the Bible does not contradict itself. To call upon the Lord is a personal call and and shows a desire to repent and admit the need for a Savior. The next passage shows what happens when the call is not sincere . 

Matthew 7:21-23 Not all who sound religious are really Godly people. They may refer to me as Lord, but still won't enter heaven. For the decisive question is whether they obey my Father in heaven. 23. At the judgement many will say to me Lord Lord , we told others about you, and did works in your name and did many other great things. 24. But I will reply, you have never been mine. Go away with your evil deeds. 

A wise old preacher once said, "If you is where you was, maybe you ain't". This is a tell tale sign that God is not the center of a heart. There is the façade of being a righteous person and it looks good, but the surrender of the heart just really never happened. The persons in question still have the desire to talk the talk, but not walk the walk. 

Once someone asks Christ into their heart you usually see a change in their desires, life choices and performance. If there is no change or a sincere desire to change I often ask them to go back and really desire a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. In other words the fruit of repentance is not evident and what is lacking is fear of God and a true love for Him. An emotional response to an alter call can be just that, emotions of the moment. But God sees the heart. 

When God desires to get the attention of a true believer or someone who's lifestyle is mocking God,  He might provide circumstances that seem harsh, and often this results in punishment which can take almost any form. God corrects His children and will pursue them and bring them to their knees. Or He uses circumstances to place a call on the unbeliever's heart. 

But if the reprobate heart continually chooses sin over a Godly life you have to wonder if the commitment was ever really made. A change of heart is needed and it starts with placing God at the head of the life. 

For those who are dealing with this situation with family or friends, I recommend prayer, prayer, prayer, and fasting. Don't be afraid to approach the subject with the lost soul. Every man or woman in bad spiritual shape can change if they truly desire to. They are good people in bad shape.

I rambled a little this morning, but it came straight from my heart.

Love to all.
