Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Lesson From The Ocean 4/1/2020

Good Morning,

My fast from Coffee is going very well. But if I were to brew some it would be Door County Highlander Grog. Pineapple juice took the place of my morning java. It's time to write.

In my life I have spent a little time swimming in different oceans. Not a lot but enough to appreciate the power in a wave. I am very careful when I venture out for a swim. I am not as young as I used to be so my swimming abilities have diminished over time. I would hope that in a crisis I could remain calm and swim enough to save myself. While duck hunting I almost always have a life jacket on.

Matthew 13:44 The Kingdom Of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and purchases that field.

Life jackets are not always comfortable to wear and at times are a little cumbersome. Many people wear them until the boat stops moving and then they take them off. Yet they are still surrounded by water and there is still a risk of falling in. A wave could approach and pull them away or under water.

I am afraid to say that many CHRISTIANS APPROACH their walk with Jesus the same way. They accept Jesus as Lord and Savior by faith and receive His gift of heaven paid for by His death,
burial ,and resurrection. They are comfortable in their eternal destiny. But the Christian walk is much more than getting into heaven by faith. It is a life of faith that is expected. Now don't get me wrong here. Once saved always saved is my belief. But the Christian when confronted by the laws of morality and God's plan for their lives walk away from Jesus because it just isn't comfortable. They have no need for a life jacket anymore and the Christian walk is too demanding and cumbersome for them. But when difficulties arise or tragedy strikes they begin looking for the comfort of Jesus and momentarily they again put on their religion of safety for the time being. Once the storms of life pass they go back to the removal of their "Life Jacket".  I am speaking the truth. And to be honest these folks are the first ones to leave  a church where they could grow, be loved, and serve God. But the next time a crisis comes they are there to ask you to help put their "Life Jacket" back on. In all honesty, we are to help those who are weaker in their faith.

I see a lot of that now and I am glad to be able to assist a spiritually drowning person. My hope is that they stick with it. If this pertains to you. Make this life saving attempt be the last one you need. Cling to the Savior and never walk away. If you were to find a treasure would you walk away from it? Jesus is that treasure.

Love  to all.



  1. This was an insightful comparison. One that bears consideration.
