Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Grease Of Human Kindness 4/2/2020

Good Morning Dear Ones.

If I weren't fasting today from coffee my mug would be filled with Door County German Chocolate Cake Coffee. It's time to write.

Credit Wikipedia

I have been quarantined for 8 days as of this morning and it has afforded me some extra Bible time and it helped me to catch up on some Western Movies. It never really dawned on me but those old covered wagons with the wooden spoke wheels actually had wheel sockets and the wheels were kept on with shear pins and a locking nut. These parts were located inside of a hub that was packed with grease. In one of the movies I was watching one of the wagons had to drop out of the wagon train because a wheel was in need of being repacked with grease. The wheel was actually experiencing friction which was producing heat. The wheel would be ruined if it weren't removed and grease was slathered on the axle and the hub filled with grease.

James 4:17 So whoever knows the right thing to do and does not do it, for him it is a sin. 

The greenhorn that was attached to this limping wagon had forgotten to include a pail of grease in their travel supplies. Another man came to his rescue and gave him grease to use. In other words the greenhorn was experiencing some rough friction in his life. A neighborly fella came to his aid and added the "grease of  human kindness" to the situation. The greenhorn was able to complete his trip and the tension and strife were solved by just an act of kindness.

Today, you might find yourself in the spot to "grease the axle of life for someone else" with a little kindness.  You have it within you to help. Will you spread some grease today? I hope so. Not doing so, doesn't say much for you.

God bless.


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